This is the backend API for my Minesweeper game. This API allows the front-end to GET and POST users and scores to the database.
Frontend respository:
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React v16.13.1, Material UI
Backend: Node.js v13.8.0, Express.js v4.17.1, Knex.js v0.21.1, Objection.js v2.1.3, PostgreSQL v12.2
BCrypt is used for hashing login and admin passwords and JWT is used for authentication in order to encode/decode a payloads. Access to get a specific users API requires authentication for all actions with the exception of admin and guest login.
This was my first time building a Node/Express backend, so creating and managing the file structure was a new experience compared with an already structured backend like Rails. Also, there was a significant learning curve involved with Knex.js functions and what they returned in order to get and display data from the database.
- Deployment to production server
- Add authorization for all routes
- Fork and/or clone this repo & the frontend repo -
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Create PostgreSQL database
createdb minesweeper
- Run backend server:
node index.js
- Migrate database tables:
npx knex migrate:latest
- Run frontend server:
npm start
- Checkout new branch
I have a GitHub project board with a few backlog items here:
If you'd like to collaborate on this project, please email me: [email protected]