Extremely simple Go windows system tray.
98% of code taken from hallazzang (Super thanks to: https://github.com/hallazzang/go-tray-icons-tutorial) and moved out into a simpler interface. Added an intermediary function taken from https://github.com/getlantern/systray to allow []byte icons in addition to regular icon files.
Worth pointing out this library: https://github.com/getlantern/systray which currently has some issue w/ windows systray stuff randomly crashing, otherwise I would have just used that. getlantern/systray#148
import "github.com/jwfergus/winsystray"
func main() {
ti, err := winsystray.NewTrayIcon()
if err != nil {
defer ti.Dispose()
These can be called as frequently as necessary. Changing the
icon quickly gives the illusion of animation.
// Do other stuff