This script requires Python3
The following Environment Variables are required to be set prior to executing the script
- JIRA_USER: Your Atlassian account username (ex: [email protected])
- JIRA_TOKEN: An Atlassian API Token
- JIRA_ENV: Your Jira Cloud instance URL (ex:
pip install -r requirements.txt
export JIRA_ENV=""
export JIRA_USER="[email protected]"
export JIRA_TOKEN="xxxxxxxx"
- Jira Board ID: The Jira Board you want the sprints associated with. Example, a board located at "" is board 206
- Sprint Name Pattern: This will determine how your sprints are named. The pattern is whatever you enter here + Spring # + the sprint start date. An example would be if I enter "TeamX" as my Sprint Name Pattern and it starts on September 26th, my sprint name in Jira will be TeamX Sprint 1 Sep26. The sprint numbers and start dates will increment accordingly depending on how many sprints you generate.
- Sprint Start Date: Entered in MM/DD/YY Format. Sprints are setup to start at 9am on the start date and will end 13 days later at 5:00pm. So for example, if you start a sprint on Wednesday the 1st, it will start at 9am and end Tuesday the 14th at 5pm.
- Number of Sprints: The number of sprints you want to generate