Simulation of fiber optics communications using a visible light source and photoelectric light detector
This is another project that I would like to complete over the holidays if time permits. I will be prioritising on
facial detection system first.
Extending the idea of optical fibre communication system that I learnt this semester, I want to simulate the operation of the visible light communication using two arduinos for transmitter and reciever respectively. Each sides will equip a visible light source (LED) and a light detector (photoelectric device). The input text from the user will be encoded to binary sequence which will then be converted into the electrical signal and finally light up the LED accordingly.
In the receiver side, the photoelectric device will detect the change in light blinks, and decode the message back to the text. Once this operation is working, I will be running various experiments by observing the effects of changing:
- distance separation between the Tx and Rx
- light intensity (by varying the voltage)
- different medium (air, glass tube, fibre cable (multi-mode), etc).
- Forward Error Correction (CRC)
The performance parameter will be BER.
The progress of the project will be updated regularly on this resporitory.