Rails-like Generators for Yeoman that provide scaffolding for your apps.
If you're interested in writing your own Yeoman generator we recommend first checking out two of the sample generators in this repository. There are typically two types of generators - simple boilerplate 'copiers' and more advanced generators which can use custom prompts, remote dependencies and can do a lot more.
- quickstart - a basic boilerplate generator with jQuery, Modernizr and HTML5 Boilerplate
- yeoman - the default yeoman generator, which includes prompts and more advanced capabilities.
Read about the capbilities of our generators in our docs.
- BBB (Backbone Boilerplate)
- Backbone-Rails
- Ember-Rails
- Ember-Starter
- AngularJS
- QuickStart
- Yeoman
- Twitter Bootstrap SASS/Compass
- Jasmine
- Mocha
- Testacular
- Chrome Apps Basic Boilerplate