A Python package to perform convex interpolation using splines, Input Convex Neural Networks, and Variational Quantum Linear Solvers.
We use poetry
to manage the project's environment. Make sure to have it
into you machine to run the code. To install it, run:
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
And then, install and run the environment.
poetry install
poetry shell
You can find three use examples in examples
The script allows to perform classical convex regression by classical means using splines interpolation, a multilayer perceptron, and an input convex neural network.
poetry run python ./examples/convex_interpolation.py [--gamma GAMMA] [--sigma SIGMA]
(float) : Defines the shape of the interpolating basis. The case gamma = 1 is equivalent to convex Hermite interpolation.sigma
(float) : Value of the regularization strength of the empirical slopes. It should be a float value in the range [0.1, 0.2]
The script allows to solve a given linear system using the VQLS routine introduced in Variational Quantum Linear Solver (2023) by Bravo-Prieto et. al. The script
poetry run python ./examples/vqls.py [--config CONFIG_PATH]
(str) : Path to config file. By default inexamples/configs/vqls_config.yaml
The config file
(int) : Number of qubits used in the Quantum Circuit. Must coincide with len(gate_set[0]).gate_set
(List[List[int]]): List of the single operation decomposition of the operator A.coefficient_set
List[float]: List of coefficients of the decomposition of the operator A.num_shots
(int) : Number of shots used to estimate the expectation values.
The script decompose a matrix into a linear combination of tensor products of the Pauli operators. Here, we prepare
A = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 0 & 1 \\\
2 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\\ 4 & -5 & 1 & 0 \\\ 5 & -4 & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}
poetry run python ./examples/circuit_decomposition.py [--config CONFIG_PATH]
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.