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A repo of CS4215 term project This readme file contains a more specified description for the setups and testcases.


In this project we explore the possibility of translating abstract semantic rules automatically between two widely used ends: the microcode inside an evaluator and the programs. In particular, we extract the patterns of some semantic rules from a given bunch of example programs/ testcases, and embed them into the microcode part of a Explicit Control Evaluator(ECE). The whole project is based on the programs given in the homework of module CS4215, and some demonstrations may base on the context of M3 in this module.


The figure above shows the overall scope of this project. What we're given is an incomplete ECE with only the instruction part, complete knowledge of the instruction set and some testcases with special limitations. The output of the searcher is the abstract semantic rules extracted from the testcases in the form of lambda expressions. After search, we embed the semantic rule into the given ECE as a property of its microcodes objects, so that the ECE can handle the execution of newly embedded rules.

architecture description

The file tree of this project is as below

-utils  |-
  • P_enum_search.cjs provides the class for searching of one and multiple instructions; P_eval.cjs and
  • P_eval_build.cjs are the modified evaluator for correctness checking and rule embedding, respectively.
  • P_case_builder.cjs provides methods for making testcases a bit more convenient that manually setup a complex JSON.
  • P_search.cjs is the highest structure of this project, which uses the utils to perform the enumerative stepping of instruction sequences, the correctness checking, and the embedding.
  • The P_demo series are the sample programs/demos shows how the programs working and how can the codes be used.


This project is built up on a windows pc using NodeJS, the windows version is Windows 10 22H2, the Node version is Node.js v18.13.0.

After installing NodeJS to the computer, we need to setup the NodeJS environment and install the SICP library.

  1. clone the project and open the main folder
  2. enter command
$yarn init

some new files should be created. 3. enter the newly created package.json and add a new property

  "type": "module"

The the project should work.

feature presentation

The 3 demos give a presentation of how this project work. For convenience all demos are built on a copy of P_search.cjs. After setup, simply run them and the output should be shown on the terminal.

1. enumerate all possibilities

To simply list out all possibilities of one instruction sequence,first we need to instantiate an Enum.Forest() and a Case_manager() class to perform the search structure and provides context(Eval, Value, etc.) management, respectively.

let man = new Case_manager(
let len =2
let a = new Enum.Forest(len,Instr);

Then we use a loop controlled by the one_step()method of Enum_forest to go through all possibilities. Remember to use the parse()method to transfer the search structure to JSON before output.

while(!a.one_step()){        console.log("###############################################")
        const ia = a.parse()
        for(i = 0; i< len; i++)
        // console.log(,i_A,i_E));

The expected output: pic2

2.perform search operation

To check the correctness and perform enumerative search, we need to use the test() method provided by Case_manager, which will send the instruction sequence into the evaluator and check if the outcome matches the testcase.

		        //print sequence
                const ia = a.parse()
                for(i = 0; i< 3; i++)
                //print result


Expected output: pic3

3.embed rules

First we need to get a rule in JSON format before embedding: 1. we can get using a succeed search structure and call the build_rule() function.

if(man.test(a)){//once succeed
                console.log("one rule found");
				//build the rule
                const rule = build_rule(man,a);
				//store the rule
                fs.writeFile('./demo5_binopGT.json', JSON.stringify(rule), (err) => {
                    if (err) {
                        throw err;
                    console.log("result saved");
				//end search

Or 2. load one saved JSON file.

const rule_app = require("./rule4.json");

To embed the rule, we use methods provided by the modified evaluators. First, we use new_micro_rule() to import the rule JSON object into a result environment, a JSON to store the information


Then we use embed_micro_rule() to modify the microcodes object of this evaluator, so that it can handle corresponding rules using the result environment.

The expected output: pic4


A repo of CS4215 term project






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