Gulp task that help you to filter the files of your project according to the evironment you're building for (platform, deployment target, language, or whatever dimensions you can imagine).
npm install gulp-platform-file
var platformify = require("gulp-platform-file")
For example, let's imagine that your workspace contains platform specific files :
- test.js
- test-ios.js
- test-android.js
You're about to build your application but you want to build for a specific platform, let's say in our case either "ios" or "android". To do so, you can use gulp-platform-file. Define "ios" and "android" as a dimension of your project and use gulp-platform-file as a filter in your Gulp task :
gulp.task("default", function() {
platformify().filter(["android", "ios"])
Then call gulp with the platform for which you want to build as a parameter :
gulp --ios
The build directory will contain a file called "test.js" which contains the content of test-ios.js.
You can declare as many dimensions as you desire. But remember that the defining order is important : the first dimension has the most important weight.
For example, if your workspace contains :
- test.js
- test-prod.js
- test-prod-ios.js
- test-ios.js
- test-android.js
platformify().filter(["prod", "dev"]).filter(["android", "ios"]);
platformify().setDimensions([["prod", "dev"],["android", "ios"]]);
You will get:
gulp --ios --dev
--> test-ios.js
gulp --ios --prod
--> test-prod-ios.js
gulp --android --prod
--> test-prod.js
You can even apply your dimensions tokens directly on folders. For example, let's imagine your workspace contains the following tree :
|__ stuff.txt
|__ things.txt
|__ stuff.txt
|__ otherStuff.txt
|__ otherStuff.txt
You defined the following task :
gulp.task("default", function() {
["android", "ios"],
["prod", "dev"]
Then :
will give you :
|__ stuff
|__stuff.txt (copied from workspace/stuff)
|__things.txt (copied from workspace/stuff)
gulp --dev
will give you :
|__ stuff
|__stuff.txt (copied from workspace/stuff)
|__things.txt (copied from workspace/stuff)
|__ otherStuff
|__ otherStuff.txt (copied from workspace/otherStuff-dev)
gulp --dev --android
will give you :
|__ stuff
|__stuff.txt (copied from workspace/stuff-dev-android)
|__things.txt (copied from workspace/stuff)
|__ otherStuff
|__ otherStuff.txt (copied from workspace/otherStuff-dev)
You can use gulp-platform-file to filter files during Gulp process.
gulp.task("default", function() {
.filter(["prod", "dev", "test"])
.filter(["android", "ios"])
You can use gulp-platform-file with Browserify.
gulp.task("default", function() {
var browserify = require("browserify"),
source = require("vinyl-source-stream");
return browserify({
entries: "test.js"
.filter(["prod", "dev", "test"]))
You can use gulp-platform-file with Babel or babelify if you're using es6 modules syntax.
gulp.task("withBabel", ["clean"], function() {
return browserify({
entries: "test.js"
compact: false,
extra: {
"gulp-platform-file": {
dimensions: [
["test", "dev", "prod"],
["sony", "android"]
plugins: ["gulp-platform-file/plugin/babelFilterPlugin"]
The babel plugin will analyze imports decalrations in each file and change them if it founds a more appropriate one according to your current building environment and to your dimensions.
Create the filter for Gulp or Browserify.
Add a supported dimension.
Set all the supported dimensions.
Indicate to the plugin the strategy to use when encountering a more specific file : replace or concatenate. The default strategy (append = false) is to replace the content of files with the more specific ones. However, you can choose another way to go by enabling this option : if enabled, the default file and the more specific one will be both loaded.
For instance, Imagine you have those 2 files :
- myStyle.css
- myStyle-dev.css
If build your project for the dev environment and you enabled the previous option then myStyle.css will be concatenated with myStyle-dev.css. This can allow you to override a few style for your dev environment for instance.