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New 2A3A1-AMPCD Sketch
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New sketch for the 2A3A1-AMPCD panel.
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Arribe committed Mar 21, 2024
1 parent b9949fc commit d3503bf
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242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions embedded/OH2_Lower_Instrument_Panel/2A3A1-AMPCD/2A3A1-AMPCD.ino
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@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
* ____ _ _ _
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* |_|
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* @file 2A3A1-AMPCD.ino
* @author Peter Sawka, OH Community, Arribe
* @date 02.29.2024
* @version 0.0.3
* @copyright Copyright 2016-2024 OpenHornet. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
* @brief Controls the AMPCD.
* Adapted from Peter Sawka's original Nano code
* @details
* * **Reference Designator:** 2A3A1
* * **Intended Board:** CONTROLLER_AMPCD DDI
* * **RS485 Bus Address:** 2
* **Wiring diagram:**
* PIN | Function
* --- | ---
* A0 | AMPCD Rotary Brightness
* A1 | AMPCD Off - No DCS Bios use
* 8 | HDG +
* 10 | HDG -
* 4 | CRS +
* 7 | CRS -
* @brief following #define tells DCS-BIOS that this is a RS-485 slave device.
* It also sets the address of this slave device. The slave address should be
* between 1 and 126 and must be unique among all devices on the same bus.
* @bug Currently does not work with the Pro Micro (32U4), Fails to compile
//#define DCSBIOS_RS485_SLAVE 2

* Check if we're on a Mega328 or Mega2560 and define the correct
* serial interface
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
#define DCSBIOS_IRQ_SERIAL ///< This enables interrupt-driven serial communication for DCS-BIOS. (Only used with the ATmega328P or ATmega2560 microcontrollers.)
#define DCSBIOS_DEFAULT_SERIAL ///< This enables the default serial communication for DCS-BIOS. (Used with all other microcontrollers than the ATmega328P or ATmega2560.)

#ifdef __AVR__
#include <avr/power.h>

* The Arduino pin that is connected to the
* RE and DE pins on the RS-485 transceiver.
#define TXENABLE_PIN 5 ///< Sets TXENABLE_PIN to Arduino Pin 5
#define UART1_SELECT ///< Selects UART1 on Arduino for serial communication

#include "DcsBios.h"
#include "TCA9534.h"

// Define pins per the OH Interconnect.
#define AMPCD_ROT_A A0 ///< AMPCD Rotary Brightness
#define AMPCD_ROT_OFF A1 ///< AMPCD Off - No DCS Bios use.
#define HDG_P 8 ///< HDG +
#define HDG_M 10 ///< HDG -
#define CRS_P 4 ///< CRS +
#define CRS_M 7 ///< CRS -
#define AMPCD_BACK_LIGHT A9 ///< DDI Backlighting PWM

* TCA9534 Chip Array
* Array for the 4 TCA9534 chips to read the DDI Buttons (indices): Left = 0, Top = 1, Right = 2, Bottom = 3
TCA9534 ampcdButtons[4] = {
TCA9534(0x23), //Left Row
TCA9534(0x20), //Top Row
TCA9534(0x22), // Right Row
}; // Bottom Row

// Setup global variables for reading DDI button presses.
bool lastBtnState[28]; ///< Array to hold the last state of the 20 AMPCD buttons, and 4 rocker switches.
bool buttonState[28]; ///< Array to hold the current state of the 20 AMPCD buttons, and 4 rocker switches.
uint8_t inputRegister[4]; ///< Input register for button read logic.
unsigned long lastDebounceTime[28]; ///< Array to hold last time of AMPCD button update for debounce.
unsigned long debounceDelay = 10; ///< The debounce delay duration in ms, **increase if the output flickers**.

/// DCS Bios Messages for the 4 AMPCD rocker switches.
char *AMPCD_Btns[] = { "AMPCD_GAIN_SW",
char btnName[20];

//Connect switches to DCS-BIOS
DcsBios::Potentiometer ampcdBrtCtl("AMPCD_BRT_CTL", AMPCD_ROT_A);
DcsBios::Switch3Pos leftDdiCrsSw("LEFT_DDI_CRS_SW", CRS_P, CRS_M);
DcsBios::Switch3Pos leftDdiHdgSw("LEFT_DDI_HDG_SW", HDG_P, HDG_M);

* @brief Setup DCS-BIOS control for DDI backlighting
* @bug Potential bug with backlighting, the lights are either full on when DCSBios reports the intensity >50% or full off <50%. May be an electrical / PCB issue.
void onInstrIntLtChange(unsigned int newValue) {
analogWrite(AMPCD_BACK_LIGHT, map(newValue, 0, 65535, 0, 255));
DcsBios::IntegerBuffer instrIntLtBuffer(0x7560, 0xffff, 0, onInstrIntLtChange);

* Arduino Setup Function
* Arduino standard Setup Function. Code who should be executed
* only once at the program start, belongs in this function.
void setup() {

// Run DCS Bios setup function

* @brief Initialize last button state array to all 0's.
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(lastBtnState) / sizeof(lastBtnState[0]); i++) {
lastBtnState[i] = 0;

* @brief For each TCA9534 chip 'Begin', and set all of its AMPCD buttons to PinMode = INPUT
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(ampcdButtons) / sizeof(ampcdButtons[0]); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
ampcdButtons[i].PinMode(j, INPUT);

* Arduino Loop Function
* Arduino standard Loop Function. Code who should be executed
* over and over in a loop, belongs in this function.
* @attention If AMPCD button output flickers increase debounceDelay.
void loop() {

//Run DCS Bios loop function

* Read all the AMPCD button states and send DCSBios Commands in the following TCA9534 order: Left, Top (buttons reversed), Right (buttons reversed), Bottom.

for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(ampcdButtons) / sizeof(ampcdButtons[0]); i++) {
inputRegister[i] = ampcdButtons[i].ReadAll();

* @brief Fix button index for Top and Right buttons to be in the same order as Left and Bottom buttons.
for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) {

int index = j + (7 * i);

bool btnState = (inputRegister[i] >> (6 - j)) & 1;

if (btnState != lastBtnState[index]) {
lastDebounceTime[index] = millis();

if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime[index]) > debounceDelay) {
if (btnState != buttonState[index]) {
buttonState[index] = btnState;
if (j > 4) { // one of the AMPCD NIGHT, GAIN, SYMBOLOGY, CONTRAST rockers.
if (btnState != 1) { // If one of the AMPCD rocker buttons determine if value to send to DCS 0 or 2.
if (i == 0 or i == 1) {
if (j == 5) { DcsBios::sendDcsBiosMessage(AMPCD_Btns[i], "2"); }
if (j == 6) { DcsBios::sendDcsBiosMessage(AMPCD_Btns[i], "0"); }
} else {
if (j == 5) { DcsBios::sendDcsBiosMessage(AMPCD_Btns[i], "0"); }
if (j == 6) { DcsBios::sendDcsBiosMessage(AMPCD_Btns[i], "2"); }
} else { // every AMPCD button has a "1" state.
DcsBios::sendDcsBiosMessage(AMPCD_Btns[i], "1");
} else { // One of the 20 push buttons.
int btnNum = 4 - j + 5 * i;
sprintf(btnName, "AMPCD_PB_%02d", btnNum + 1);
DcsBios::sendDcsBiosMessage(btnName, btnState == 1 ? "0" : "1");
lastBtnState[index] = btnState;
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions embedded/OH2_Lower_Instrument_Panel/2A3A1-AMPCD/Makefile
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Any extra libraries included by this sketch (space separated)
LIBRARIES = Adafruit_NeoPixel Servo dcs-bios-arduino-library TCA9534 Wire ArduinoJoystickLibrary

# Uncomment one of the following to choose the target board
# include $(ROOTDIR)/include/
include $(ROOTDIR)/include/
# include $(ROOTDIR)/include/
# include $(ROOTDIR)/include/

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