Coloring pixels in a grid
Create a class called PixelPainter
It's constructor will accept 2 arguments, width and height
Write the PixelPainter class such that it returns a 'grid' and some 'control buttons'.
The grid will be width cells wide, and height cells tall.
Each cell can be any width or height you choose, it should be a square.
The controls will be
- a swatch of colors (any amount of colors you choose is fine)
- an erase button, to turn on erase mode
- a clear button, to reset the grid
This is a sketch of how the PixelPainter should look.
**this is just a sample! bonus cookies for being creative!
The final invocation should be similar to this:
var pixelPainter = new PixelPainter(20,20);
with the ability to do some nice options
var pixelPainter = new PixelPainter(80,90);
pixelPainter.cellSize = 8; // 8px by 8px
Document your options, and how to embed and use your PixelPainter.
*NOTE: you must somehow embed your PixelPainter into #container, though you cannot simply write directly to the document from inside of PixelPainter. so i should be able to port your class to another document and render PixelPainter into any container i choose.
- index.html
- js/PixelPainter.js - define the class here
- js/app.js - launch the app from here
- css/PixelPainter.css - PixelPainter specific css here
- css/app.css - doesn't exist cause it's optional