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Default lang en.yml
Jason edited this page Apr 28, 2022
11 revisions
This is the default language file shipped with the plugin. You can edit this file directly, or copy it to a new file to make your own edits. You can specify which file to use in config.yml
render-in-progress: <red>A render is already in progress on <world>
render-not-in-progress: <red>No renders running for <world>
cancelled-render: <green>Render cancelled for <world>
successfully-reset-map: <green>Successfully reset map for <world>
paused-renders: <green>Paused renders for <world>
unpaused-renders: <green>Unpaused renders for <world>
console-must-specify-player: <red>You must specify a target player when running
this command from console
player-not-found-for-input: <red>No player found for input '<input>'
console-must-specify-world: <red>You must specify the world when running this
command from console
no-such-world: <red>No such world '<world>'
map-not-enabled-for-world: <red>Map is not enabled for world '<world>'
confirmation-required: <red>Confirmation required. Confirm using /<command>
no-pending-commands: <red>You don't have any pending commands.
enabled: <green>Render progress logging has been enabled.
disabled: <green>Render progress logging has been disabled.
set-rate: <green>Render progress logging interval has been set to </green><seconds>
statusmessage: 'Render progress logging enabled: <enabled>, interval:
<green><seconds></green> seconds'
prefix: '<white>[<gradient:#C028FF:#5B00FF>squaremap</gradient>]</white> '
help: Get help for squaremap commands
resetmap: Resets the map of a specified world
confirm: Confirm a pending command
reload: Reloads the plugin
full-render: Starts a full render for the specified world
cancel-render: Cancels a render for the specified world
pause-render: Pauses all renders for the specified world
radius-render: Starts a radius render
status: Prints the current settings for render progress logging
toggle: Toggles render progress logging on or off
rate: Sets the interval in seconds for logging render progress
hide: Hide a player from the map view
show: Show a player on the map view
optional-world: Defaults to the players current world if not provided
optional-center: Defaults to (<white>0<gray>,</gray> 0</white>) if unspecified
optional-player: Defaults to the executing player if unspecified (console
must specify a player)
help-query: Help Query
already-hidden: <red><player> is already hidden from map
hidden: <green><player> is now hidden from map
not-hidden: <red><player> is not hidden from map
shown: <green><player> is no longer hidden from map
click-for-help: Click for help
click-to-confirm: Click to confirm
click-to-toggle: Click to toggle
plugin-reloaded: <green><name> v<version> reloaded
page-title: squaremap - {world}
coordinates: Coordinates<br/>{x}, {z}
player-list: Players ({cur}/{max})
world-list: Worlds
player-tracker: Players
world-spawn: Spawn
world-border: World Border
started-full-render: Started full map render for <world>
started-radius-render: Started radius map render for <world>
scanning-region-files: Scanning region files... (this may take a moment)
found-total-region-files: Found <total> region files
finished-rendering: Finished rendering map for <world>
cancelled-rendering: Rendering map for <world> has been interrupted
resumed-rendering: Rendering map for <world> has been resumed
scanning-region-progress: '(<percent>) World: <world> Chunks: <current_chunks>/<total_chunks>
Elapsed: <elapsed> ETA: <eta> Rate: <rate> cps'
scanning-region-progress-with-regions: '(<percent>) World: <world> Regions: <current_regions>/<total_regions>
Chunks: <current_chunks>/<total_chunks> Elapsed: <elapsed> ETA: <eta> Rate:
<rate> cps'
internal-web-disabled: Internal webserver is disabled in config.yml
internal-web-started: Internal webserver running on <bind>:<port>
internal-web-stopped: Internal webserver stopped
internal-web-start-error: Internal webserver could not start
could-not-create-directory: Could not create directory! <path>
could-not-read-region: Could not read map image for region <x>,<z> (image corrupted?).
It will be overwritten.
could-not-save-region: Could not save map for region <x>,<z>
internal-web-not-running: An error occurred with the internal webserver
fetching-version-information: Fetching version information...
behind-branch: squaremap is <behind> version(s) behind branch '<branch>'!
download-dev-builds: Download dev builds from <link>
unknown-commit: Unknown commit '<commit>', cannot check for updates.
behind-releases: squaremap is <behind> version(s) out of date.
download-release: Download the latest release (<latest>) from <link>