A compounding interest calculator I created for my mom because she recently downloaded Robinhood.
A live version of the project can be found here.
My mother recently became very interested in financial markets and we’ve had some very passionate discussions regarding trade wars, undervalued industries, and the health of the financial market as a whole. She’s constantly looking up historical rates of return for different financial assets so I thought it would be a fun project to build out a compounding interest calculator. I had a good idea of what I wanted the project to look like so I was able to present the basic wireframe to my mother, take in feedback, and execute the project.
This was the initial wireframe that I drew up. I decided to add a daily option for contribution and compound frequency to the final version as well as consolidating the options into 2 columns.
Note: The reason for the PHP file was so the file could be hosted on Heroku. Read more about the PHP hack here. Thanks, Winnie!