This Flutter application helps users keep track of their daily expenses by allowing them to enter expenses and displaying the sum of daily expenses on a graph for each day in a week. The app also provides a weekly total of expenses to help users better manage their finances.
- Add daily expenses: Users can enter the amount and description of their expenses for each day.
- Display daily expenses: The app displays the sum of daily expenses on a graph for each day in a week.
- Weekly total: The app calculates and displays the total expenses for the entire week.
- Flutter: This application is built using Flutter, a mobile development framework by Google.
- Hive: Hive is used for local storage of the daily expenses entered by users.
To use this application, follow these steps:
- Download the apk from Github Release or Google Drive:
- Install
*yes, biscuits are my vice
If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to open an issue or pull request on GitHub.