This library provides a Microsoft Makecode extension for the Joy-IT SBC-OLED01. See for more details.
This small 0.96 inch (approx. 2.44 cm) OLED display with SSD1306 controller works with an I2C interface, making it easy to use with micro:bit.
The OLED display is connected via I2C on address 0x3C.
SBC-OLED01 | micro:bit |
VCC | 3,3 V |
SCL | P19 (SCL) |
SDA | P20 (SDA) |
Because the display is an I2C-device, an initial initialization is required before use:
// Initialize OLED display
The display can show text as well as the graphical elements line, rectangle, and circle.
// Show text
SBCOLED01.oledShowString("Hello World")
// Draw line from x-y coordinates 10-15 to x-y coordinates 60-60
SBCOLED01.oledDrawLine(10, 15, 60, 60)
// Draw rectangle starting at x-y coordinate 10-15 with a width of 20 and a height of 30
SBCOLED01.oledDrawRectangle(10, 15, 20, 30)
// Draw circle at x-y coordinate 50-50 with a radius of 20
SBCOLED01.oledDrawCircle(50, 50, 20)
All contents on the display can be erased by using the SBCOLED01.oledClear() function.
// CLear output from display