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JoyPi Advanced Raspberry Pi Pico

This library is a collection for the Raspberry Pi Pico for several modules on the Joy-Pi Advanced. See here for more information.

Included modules

This library includes the following modules:


Download this repository and copy the folder lib onto your Raspberry Pi Pico.

Library Guide


  • ADC_TLA2518(spi, cs = 17) - initialize ADC with default values
  • begin() - starts communication
  • read_value(channel) - returns raw value from a selected channel
  • read_voltage(channel, value=None) - returns measured voltage from a selected channel, raw value can also be calculated into voltage with this method


  • ICG1020S(spi, cs = 27)- initialize gyroscope with default values
  • begin() - starts communication
  • getTemperature() - returns measured temperature
  • getTilt() - returns the tilted direction
  • scale_Factor(scale) - sets scale factor of the gyroscope (0, 8, 16 or 24)


  • MS5607(i2c, addr = 0x77, res = 4096) - initialize barometer with default values
  • begin() - starts communication
  • get_pressure() - returns the measured pressure
  • get_temperature()- returns the measured temperature
  • get_altitude(reference_pressure = 1013.25) - return the calculated altitude with the measured pressure and your local pressure (reference_pressure)

Button matrix

  • Buttonmatrix(i2c, addr = 0x22)- initialize button matrix with default values
  • begin() - starts communication
  • getKey() - returns the pressed button
  • clearMemory() - clears class variable calculated
  • calculate() - method to use the button matrix as a calculator

Color sensor

  • VEML6040(i2c, address = 0x10)- initialize colour sensor with default values
  • enableSensor() - start communication
  • disableSensor()- end communication
  • setIntegrationTime() - set integration time (0-40ms, 1-80ms, 2-160ms, 3-320ms, 4-640ms or 5-1280ms)
  • forceMode() - forces measurement mode
  • autoMode()- automatic measurement mode
  • get_red()- returns the raw value of red
  • get_green()- returns the raw value of green
  • get_blue()- returns the raw value of blue
  • get_white()- returns the raw value of white
  • get_rgbw()- returns all raw values of RGBW
  • readAll() - returns most recognized RGB colour as well as all raw values

16x2 LCD

  • I2CLCD(i2c, addr = 0x21)- initialize 16x2 LCD with default values
  • begin()- starts communication
  • clear()- clears LCD
  • setHome()- sets cursor to position (0,0)
  • shiftToLeft()- shift the whole display to the left
  • shiftToRight()- shift the whole display to the right
  • showCursor()- show cursor
  • blinkingCursor()- activate the blinking cursor
  • hideCursor()- hide cursor
  • turnOff()- turn background light off
  • turnOn()- turn background light on
  • setCursor(x, y)- set cursor to position (x, y)
  • print(text)- print String onto the LCD at the current cursor position

1.8 TFT

  • ST7735(spi, dc = 26, res = 27, cs = 10, x_offset = 2, y_offset = 1, rgbMode = "bgr")- initialize TFT with default values
  • begin()- starts communication
  • fillRec(x, y, width, height, colour)- method to draw filled rectangle, where x and y are the coordinates of the left upper corner
  • fill(colour)- fills display with one colour
  • clear()- clears display
  • drawPixel(x, y, colour)- draws pixel onto the display
  • fillCircle(x, y, radius, colour)- draws filled circle on display, where x and y are the coordinates of the center
  • drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, colour)- draws line, where x1 and y1 are the coordinates of the starting point and x2 and y2 are the coordinates of the end point
  • drawCircle(x_cent, y_cent, radius, colour)- draws circle, where x_cent and y_cent are the coordinates of the center
  • turnOff()- turns the display off
  • turnOn()- turns the display on
  • print(text, x, y, textColour, bgColour, size = 1)- prints String onto the display, where x and y are the coordinates of the starting point


  • MPR121(i2c, address = 0x5A)- initialize touchpads with default values
  • reset()- resets touchpads to default state
  • set_thresholds(touch, release, electrode = None)- sets the touch and release thresholds from 0 to 255 for a single touch pad or all
  • filtered_data(electrode)- returns filtered data value for a specific touch pad
  • baseline_electrode(electrode)- returns baseline data value for a specific touch pad
  • touched()- returns a 12bit value which represents which touch pad is touch and which is not (LSB)
  • is_touched(electrode)- returns true if a specific touch pads is touched
  • get_all_states()- returns the state of all touchpads

Infrared sensor

  • NEC_8(pin, nedges, tblock, callback, *args)- initialize infrared receiver for a remote controller with NEC 8 encoding (*args includes arguments for the callback function)
  • NEC_16(pin, nedges, tblock, callback, *args)- initialize infrared receiver for a remote controller with NEC 16 encoding (*args includes arguments for the callback function)
  • NEC_SAMSUNG(pin, nedges, tblock, callback, *args)- initialize infrared receiver for a remote controller with NEC Samsung encoding (*args includes arguments for the callback function)
  • do_callback(cmd, addr, ext, thresh = 0)- sets callback method manually
  • error_function(func)- sets a error method
  • close()- close communication

If setting attribute verbose to true, the code emits debug output.

When you want to use a remote controll with a different encoding, you can add specific encodings into this directory ir_rx from here.

Note: When you define your callback method, it needs to receive the arguments data - value from the remote, addr - address from remote and ctrl - always 0 with NEC encoding.

7-segment display

  • HT16K33Segment(i2c, i2c_adress=0x70)- initialize 7-segment display with default values
  • rotate()- rotate the segment display
  • set_colon(is_set = True)- sets the colon of the display
  • set_glyph(glyph, digit = 0, has_dot = False)- sets a user-defined glyph on display at a specific digit, where glyph is a 8-bit integer representing 7 segments
  • set_number(number, digit = 0, has_dot = False)- sets single decimal value (< 10) at a specific digit
  • set_character(char, digit = 0, has_dot = False)- sets single alpganumeric character at a specific digit
  • draw- writes display buffer onto display
  • printNum(num)- write number onto the display
  • clear()- clears display


  • MFRC522(ck, mosi, miso, rst, cs,baudrate=1000000,spi_id=0)- initialize RFID module
  • init()- start communication
  • reset()- reset RFID module
  • antenna_on(on = True)- activate or deactivate antenna
  • request(mode)- request data from RFID module in a mode (REQIDL or REQALL)
  • anticoll(anticolN)- sets anticollision
  • PcdSelect(serNum, anticolN)- checks if reading of tag went smoothly
  • SelectTag(uid)- checks if tag has a specific UID
  • tohexstring(v)- converts hex to string
  • SelectTagSN()- returns is reading of a tag was correct and uid
  • auth(mode, addr, sect, ser)- check if tag can be written on
  • authKeys(uid, addr, keyA = None, keyB = None)- check if which key to use to write
  • stop_crypto1()- stop encription
  • read(addr)- returns specific block (addr) of tag
  • write(addr, data)- writes into a specific block (addr) data
  • writeSectorBlock(uid, sector, block, data, keyA = None, keyB = None)- write data into a specific sector and block
  • readSectorBlock(uid, sector, block, keyA = None, keyB = None)- read data from a specific sector and block
  • MFRC522_DumpClassic1K(uid, Start = 0, End = 64, keyA = None, keyB = None)- returns all data from tag (start and end can be defined)


  • DS1307Z(i2c, addr = 0x68)- initialize RTC with default values
  • setDate(year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, second)- set all values of the RTC
  • setYear(year)- set year on the RTC
  • setMonth(month)- set month on the RTC
  • setDay(day)- set day on the RTC
  • setWeekday(weekday)- set weekday on the RTC (0 - Sunday etc.)
  • setHour(hour)- set hour on the RTC
  • setMinute(minute)- set minute on the RTC
  • setSecond(second)- set second on the RTC
  • getDate()- returns all values of the RTC
  • getYear()- returns year from the RTC
  • getMonth()- returns month of the RTC
  • getDay()- returns day of the RTC
  • getWeekday()- returns weekday of the RTC
  • getHour()- returns hour of the RTC
  • getMinute()- returns minute of the RTC
  • getSecond()- returns second of the RTC


  • SSD1306_I2C(width, height, i2c, addr=0x3C, external_vcc=False)- initialize OLED with default values
  • init_display()- starts communication with OLED
  • poweroff()- turns off OLED
  • poweron()- turns on OLED
  • contrast(contrast)- sets contrast of OLED
  • invert(invert)- sets colour invertion
  • show()- writes display buffer onto OLED

This library is subclassing FrameBuffer to provide for graphic primitives. Documentation can be found here for the methods to dislpay graphics.


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