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Loopchain is a high-performance Blockchain Consensus & Network engine of ICON project.

In order to run a loopchain node, you need to install ICON Service that runs a smart contract and interacts with loopchain engine, and ICON RPC Server that processes HTTP requests from clients. For details, refer to the guide below.



Loopchain development and execution requires following environments.

  • OS: MacOS, Linux

    • Windows are not supported yet.
  • Python

    • Python 3.6.5+ (recommended version, 3.7 is not supported)
  • Third party tools

    If you're using package manager, you can install all of them through your package manager.

    automake pkg-config libtool leveldb rabbitmq openssl
  • Check all requirements are installed and started properly

    $ make requirements

If you don't see any error logs and you have started rabbitmq server, you may move on to next step.

Install necessary packages

$ make install

Run Unittest

After installation, run the unittest by following command line in order to check whether it operates well or not.

$ make test

Quick Start on OS X

Run Citizen Node on ICON Testnet network

  • Setup

    $ make setup
    $ export PW_icon_dex={ENTER_MY_PASSWORD}
    $ export REDIRECT_PROTOCOL=https

    This command is for setting up:

    • start rabbitmq
    • generates python gRPC code from protocol buffer which is defined in loopchain.proto
    • generates key for citizen node.
  • Run

This command will enable ICON citizen node on Testnet network, running on port 9000. Once it's connected to the network, it will start to sync all the blocks on the ICON testnet network.

$ loop citizen -r testnet

If you want to browse and search the blocks and transactions in ICON Testnet, please go to ICON testnet tracker.

Test through command line interface for ICON

T-Bears is a suite of development tools for SCORE and provides the command line interface to interact with the ICON network including all the JSON-RPC v3 APIs. For a detailed usage guideline, please refer to T-Bears tutorial.

Test jsonRPC APIs

In v3, parameters in all api request params require the string '0x' at the front.

  • get lastblock

This method returns the last block the Citizen node has currently synced.

usage: tbears lastblock [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG]

// Example
$ tbears lastblock  // Example (default uri: http://localhost:9000/api/v3)

// result
block info : {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "version": "0.1a",
        "prev_block_hash": "c5dae2634737e28ff4a1987abe1362890f8a6aaea3e7c0086f5e5fe5300361eb",
        "merkle_tree_root_hash": "a0c897c5b78860e8500019a3a0788e0498aeec20f3e8e57cc22d9c5096e6ab84",
        "time_stamp": 1537335737897461,
        "confirmed_transaction_list": [
                "stepLimit": "0x1e8480",
                "signature": "k+F7dxstj1mXr7AL2hGo8RMgAEW0fc8AEhXMPiZOzBgvZYvcIkyVrUdoTnoTMJK55420+36ZdOBoo/tiM1AGZgE=",
                "nid": "0x2",
                "from": "hx8f1796338f819e4e0276e7d449227a3bfb7ea2a6",
                "to": "cx3ae5c047638df3e3b02120c913dda852ff84d297",
                "version": "0x3",
                "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000",
                "nonce": "0x1",
                "timestamp": "0x57632de7fb4f8",
                "txHash": "0xa0c897c5b78860e8500019a3a0788e0498aeec20f3e8e57cc22d9c5096e6ab84"
        "block_hash": "da8abc0c9bad1d5b868c17b4a3e575ad7b2b8430880e233490fad1811a12277c",
        "height": 30000,
        "peer_id": "hx98cd0d78e8936b633210b04a6ce10eab655c0881",
        "signature": "J4PrnX0jG5sXcdf1bscPvlZPCioDv+pezm1WkEFlOqg8ZHTNZT9LSkCjZFLVbKfObkYRmHDPmGfLgBTPMvZV3wE="
    "id": 1
  • get blockbyheight
usage: tbears blockbyheight [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] height

// Example
$ tbears blockbyheight 0x1

// result
block info : {
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
      "version": "0.1a",
      "prev_block_hash": "885b8021826f7e741be7f53bb95b48221e9ab263f377e997b2e47a7b8f4a2a8b",
      "merkle_tree_root_hash": "cb3a60b8cba5c7647fa7d2eb351be0723b8a733c41c6bfa0e9f4e6f5b89378e7",
      "time_stamp": 1519289604305467,
      "confirmed_transaction_list": [
              "from": "hx5a05b58a25a1e5ea0f1d5715e1f655dffc1fb30a",
              "to": "hx7bcf759a16661dbb9356318af31dc6d4803fc969",
              "value": "0x845951614014880000000",
              "fee": "0x2386f26fc10000",
              "timestamp": "1519289604008199",
              "tx_hash": "cb3a60b8cba5c7647fa7d2eb351be0723b8a733c41c6bfa0e9f4e6f5b89378e7",
              "signature": "HIjTnNCwHwTiSs7Ucj+oXsyc0ZzDDz9jIKWoQouifEYOCkaAWz8swKet/neGBBckLm6GujqDajWZ290Hoq/ROwE=",
              "method": "icx_sendTransaction"
      "block_hash": "d5629fe006104df557570ce2613c8df1901d8f6f322b9f251645c201fa1d1e9e",
      "height": 1,
      "peer_id": "hx1fe2dfae9a5439bb1d4e193a3b7c6e5df6c6650e",
      "signature": "lGQu4IdK/ZPeCB4e2IJc8s0l38uh30OmH/xSXE7+STpMJaphHbFJYtl7U/Y7bgWhJtQri+GJsp25PyNRzioabAE="
  "id": 1
  • get blockbyhash
usage: tbears blockbyhash [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] hash

// Example

$ tbears blockbyhash 0xce00facd0ac3832e1e6e623d8f4b9344782da881e55abb48d1494fde9e465f78

// Result is same as above.
  • get totalsupply
usage: tbears totalsupply [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG]

// Example
$ tbears totalsupply

// Result
Total supply of ICX in hex: 0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000
Total supply of ICX in decimal: 800460000000000000000000000
  • Create an account (Skip this if you already have testnet account.)

Create a keystore file in the given path. Generate a private and public key pair using secp256k1 library.

usage: tbears keystore [-h] [-p PASSWORD] path

// Example
$ tbears keystore ./my_keystore.json

input your keystore password: (You have to initialize your keystore password)

Made keystore file successfully

It will create new keystore file like this:

// my_keystore.json
  "address": "hx63499c4efc26c9370f6d68132c116d180d441266",  // address for your account
  "crypto": {
    "cipher": "aes-128-ctr",
    "cipherparams": {
      "iv": "1a3b55deff9809c702e5da6265efe759",
    "ciphertext": "42e4e768cfdedc54446efc7c0b7726326394d4c0b753ef76827ef1bdd3a7d5c9",
    "kdf": "scrypt",
    "kdfparams": {
      "dklen": 32,
      "n": 16384,
      "r": 1,
      "p": 8,
      "salt": "fdaff79a618e562a17224dd6c2072025",
    "mac": "400cbabc7fcff73ac5a28f64a0d36a5007b1a40e6ac2fe8fd2b771d89fe43385",
  "id": "15240a99-1c08-4b44-8cdd-5b9ebe71530f",
  "version": 3,
  "coinType": "icx"

For there's no balance on new address, you need to request some testnet icx to it. Please refer to here for test icx and detailed ICON testnet network information. Please note that the Testnet node url of your citizen node is when sending the request email.

If you want to load and view your testnet account on ICONex Chrome extension, please refer here.

  • get balance
usage: tbears balance [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] address

// Example
$ tbears balance hx63499c4efc26c9370f6d68132c116d180d441266

// Result
balance in hex: {your balance in hex}
balance in decimal: {your balance in decimal}
  • Send transaction

Now that you have received a sufficient amount of icx, you can use it to send transactions.

usage: tbears sendtx [-h] [-u URI] [-k KEYSTORE] [-c CONFIG] json_file

Request icx_sendTransaction with the specified json file and keystore file. If
keystore file is not given, tbears sends request as it is in the json file.

positional arguments:
  json_file             File path containing icx_sendTransaction content

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -k KEYSTORE, --key-store KEYSTORE
                        Keystore file path. Used to generate "from" address and
                        transaction signature
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file path. This file defines the default
                        value for the "uri" (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)

We provided the minimal settings for the simple coin transfer in the sendtx_testnet.json file. The address to which icx is sent(to) is the address the ICON developers usually use when testing. You can change the address and the value if you want.

// sendtx_testnet.json

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "icx_sendTransaction",
  "params": {
    "version": "0x3",  // transaction version
    "to": "hx670e692ffd3d5587c36c3a9d8442f6d2a8fcc795",  // default address for testing
    "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000",  // 1 ICX
    "stepLimit": "0x3000000",
    "nid": "0x2"  // network id for testnet
  "id": 1


$ tbears sendtx -k my_keystore.json sendtx_testnet.json

input your keystore password:

Send transaction request successfully.
transaction hash: {your tx hash}

For the details, please go to Command-line Interfaces(CLIs) chapter in t-bears repository.

Run Citizen Node on ICON Mainnet network

  • Setup

    $ make setup
    $ export PW_icon_dex={ENTER_MY_PASSWORD}
    $ export REDIRECT_PROTOCOL=https

    This command is for setting up:

    • start rabbitmq
    • generates python gRPC code from protocol buffer which is defined in loopchain.proto
    • generates key for citizen node.
  • Run

This command below will enable ICON citizen node on Mainnet network, running on port 9100. Once it's connected to the network, it will start to sync all the blocks on the ICON mainnet network.

$ loop citizen -r mainnet

If you want to browse and search the blocks and transactions in ICON Mainnet, please go to ICON tracker.

Test through command line interface for ICON

Since the mainnet citizen runs on port 9100, you need -u for all command options in tbears that requires uri option.

Test jsonRPC APIs

In v3, parameters in all api request params require the string '0x' at the front.

  • get lastblock

This method returns the last block the Citizen node has currently synced.

usage: tbears lastblock [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG]

// Example
$ tbears lastblock -u

// result
block info : {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "version": "0.1a",
        "prev_block_hash": "c5dae2634737e28ff4a1987abe1362890f8a6aaea3e7c0086f5e5fe5300361eb",
        "merkle_tree_root_hash": "a0c897c5b78860e8500019a3a0788e0498aeec20f3e8e57cc22d9c5096e6ab84",
        "time_stamp": 1537335737897461,
        "confirmed_transaction_list": [
                "stepLimit": "0x1e8480",
                "signature": "k+F7dxstj1mXr7AL2hGo8RMgAEW0fc8AEhXMPiZOzBgvZYvcIkyVrUdoTnoTMJK55420+36ZdOBoo/tiM1AGZgE=",
                "nid": "0x2",
                "from": "hx8f1796338f819e4e0276e7d449227a3bfb7ea2a6",
                "to": "cx3ae5c047638df3e3b02120c913dda852ff84d297",
                "version": "0x3",
                "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000",
                "nonce": "0x1",
                "timestamp": "0x57632de7fb4f8",
                "txHash": "0xa0c897c5b78860e8500019a3a0788e0498aeec20f3e8e57cc22d9c5096e6ab84"
        "block_hash": "da8abc0c9bad1d5b868c17b4a3e575ad7b2b8430880e233490fad1811a12277c",
        "height": 30000,
        "peer_id": "hx98cd0d78e8936b633210b04a6ce10eab655c0881",
        "signature": "J4PrnX0jG5sXcdf1bscPvlZPCioDv+pezm1WkEFlOqg8ZHTNZT9LSkCjZFLVbKfObkYRmHDPmGfLgBTPMvZV3wE="
    "id": 1
  • get blockbyheight
usage: tbears blockbyheight [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] height

// Example
$ tbears blockbyheight -u 0x1

// result
block info : {
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
      "version": "0.1a",
      "prev_block_hash": "885b8021826f7e741be7f53bb95b48221e9ab263f377e997b2e47a7b8f4a2a8b",
      "merkle_tree_root_hash": "cb3a60b8cba5c7647fa7d2eb351be0723b8a733c41c6bfa0e9f4e6f5b89378e7",
      "time_stamp": 1519289604305467,
      "confirmed_transaction_list": [
              "from": "hx5a05b58a25a1e5ea0f1d5715e1f655dffc1fb30a",
              "to": "hx7bcf759a16661dbb9356318af31dc6d4803fc969",
              "value": "0x845951614014880000000",
              "fee": "0x2386f26fc10000",
              "timestamp": "1519289604008199",
              "tx_hash": "cb3a60b8cba5c7647fa7d2eb351be0723b8a733c41c6bfa0e9f4e6f5b89378e7",
              "signature": "HIjTnNCwHwTiSs7Ucj+oXsyc0ZzDDz9jIKWoQouifEYOCkaAWz8swKet/neGBBckLm6GujqDajWZ290Hoq/ROwE=",
              "method": "icx_sendTransaction"
      "block_hash": "d5629fe006104df557570ce2613c8df1901d8f6f322b9f251645c201fa1d1e9e",
      "height": 1,
      "peer_id": "hx1fe2dfae9a5439bb1d4e193a3b7c6e5df6c6650e",
      "signature": "lGQu4IdK/ZPeCB4e2IJc8s0l38uh30OmH/xSXE7+STpMJaphHbFJYtl7U/Y7bgWhJtQri+GJsp25PyNRzioabAE="
  "id": 1
  • get blockbyhash
usage: tbears blockbyhash [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] hash

// Example
$ tbears blockbyhash -u 0xce00facd0ac3832e1e6e623d8f4b9344782da881e55abb48d1494fde9e465f78

// Result is same as above.
  • get totalsupply
usage: tbears totalsupply [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG]

// Example
$ tbears totalsupply -u

// Result
Total supply of ICX in hex: 0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000
Total supply of ICX in decimal: 800460000000000000000000000
  • To send transaction on Mainnet, you need an ICON account and a balance. If you don't have on, please create your account on official ICONex application as guide below.
  1. Go to our website at
  2. Click ‘Wallet’ button on the top
  3. Move to Chrome extension page (
  4. Click “Add on +CHROME” button on the upper right corner

For detailed ICON mainnet network information, please refer to here.

  • get balance
usage: tbears balance [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] address

// Example
$ tbears balance -u hx63499c4efc26c9370f6d68132c116d180d441266

// Result
balance in hex: {your balance in hex}
balance in decimal: {your balance in decimal}
  • Send transaction

If you have sufficient amount of icx, you can use it to send transactions.

usage: tbears sendtx [-h] [-u URI] [-k KEYSTORE] [-c CONFIG] json_file

Request icx_sendTransaction with the specified json file and keystore file. If
keystore file is not given, tbears sends request as it is in the json file.

positional arguments:
  json_file             File path containing icx_sendTransaction content

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URI, --node-uri URI
                        URI of node (default:
  -k KEYSTORE, --key-store KEYSTORE
                        Keystore file path. Used to generate "from" address and
                        transaction signature
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file path. This file defines the default
                        value for the "uri" (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)

For the details, please go to Command-line Interfaces(CLIs) chapter in t-bears repository.

Clean Up

  • clear rabbitMQ processes & pycache
$ make clean
  • delete log / delete DB
$ make clean-db


This project follows the Apache 2.0 License. Please refer to LICENSE for details.


Blockchain engine for icon foundation.







No packages published


  • Python 99.7%
  • Other 0.3%