A very simple moving box inventory system- Rooms have many Boxes, Boxes have many items, the end. View a demo in action- username is demo
, password is roombox
Meant to be launched to Heroku for cross-platform access. In its present form, there is no authentication, so you'll want to host your own instance.
Installation & authentication setup, with the Heroku toolbox installed:
- Clone the repo
heroku create [optional app name]
git push heroku master
heroku run rake db:setup
heroku config:set HTTP_BASIC_USERNAME=yourusernamehere
heroku config:set HTTP_BASIC_PASSWORD=yourpasswordhere
heroku open
- Begin by Creating a Room
- Name & a 2 letter code are required (ie, MB for Master Bedroom, K for Kitchen)
- Validations don't exist yet, but trust me, name & identifier.
- Color looks for a hex code, with or without the #.
- Create a new box
- Fill that box and log your items on the Box screen
- Write the box code (ie, MB1) on your boxes
- Print labels for those boxes using Avery x163 labels (2x4 inches)(automatically coded with that color you picked, see how that's coming together?)
- Create more boxes, create more rooms, and so on.
- Consider adding a link to your home screen- we're mobile friendly here.
The Future:
- Probably small tweaks (including making sure the labels work when I get some) until I move in October, then I'll lose interest.
- At some point we'll move again, when I'll make whatever new tweaks I think of.
- MIT, I suppose. Especially that bit about 'AS-IS.' I'm moving here, supporting this app won't be a big priority, I'm afraid.
- Well, sure, I'm open to reviewing a pull request here and there.