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LiveResource 2

LiveResource is a framework for coordinating processes, statuses, and messaging within a distributed system. It provides the following abilities:

  • Call methods on objects in other threads and processes, locally or on remote machines. Synchronous and asynchronous calling supported, arguments and return values are serialized, exceptions are also propagated back to the caller.

  • Set attributes that other threads and processes can see.

These support a variety of use models, for example:

  • Web application (Rails, Sinatra, etc.) which needs to gather state from multiple places and render it on a web page. The app should never block for long in its render path, so it needs to pull the state right now. Daemons that know the state may be busy (blocked on IO, for example), so they should push state into LiveResource when they can, and let the GUI pull it when needed.

  • Processes that need to call into another process to do a job. Any process can search the list of resources by resource class, either looking for a specific instance by name, grabbing any, or iterating over all of them. It can call methods synchronously, looking just like a Ruby method call, or async and check for the result later.

LiveResource is built for Ruby and is designed to be familiar to Ruby programmers. It uses terms which are as Ruby-esque as possible instead of borrowing from other domains (pub/sub, RMI, and so forth).

The underlying tools, however, are available to any language: Redis is the hub for communications, and all objects are stored with YAML encoding. Ports to other languages would be straightforward (and may be forthcoming).

NOTE: LiveResource 2 introduces significant improvements in its API, but breaks compatibility with versions 1.x. The older API is maintained on the stable-1 branch.


LiveResource requires:

  • Ruby 1.9.3 or JRuby in 1.9 mode (export JRUBY_OPTS=--1.9).

  • Redis 2.2+. server. (Redis 1.x does not support commands needed by LiveResource.)

  • redis-rb gem.


Here's a resource with an attribute:

class FavoriteColor
  include LiveResource::Resource

  # Set up resource class and instance naming			
  resource_class :favorite_color
  resource_name :object_id

  # Declare remote attributes
  remote_writer :favorite

resource =
resource.favorite = "blue"

This resource demonstrates several points:

  • LiveResource features are defined in the Resource modules -- you can add LiveResource features to existing classes with little effort.

  • "Remote" Attributes are defined much like Ruby's attributes: remote_reader, remote_writer, and remote_accessor are used to automatically create methods for reading and writing a given attribute.

  • LiveResource instances have both a class and a name, making your remote interface look just like a normal Ruby object API. (When you don't care about naming, tell LiveResource to assign names based on :object_id.)

  • By default, LiveResource connects to a Redis server at localhost:6379, but you can change any Redis client parameters you need to.

Now let's access the above-published favorite color:

r = LiveResource::any(:favorite_color)
r.favorite # --> "blue"

LiveResource includes the finders find, any, and all. The object returned is a proxy for the real resource, which could be in a different process or on a whole different machine.

Note that attributes can be set to any Ruby objects; they are automatically marshaled using YAML. (If you want to create a LiveResource interface in another programming language, you just need a Redis client and YAML.)

Attribute Read-Modify-Write

Reading an attribute is an atomic operation; so is writing one. However, sometimes you need to read, modify, and write an attribute or set of attributes as an atomic operation. LiveResource provides a special notation for that:

class FavoriteColor
  include LiveResource::Resource 

  # Set up resource class and instance naming			
  resource_class :favorite_color
  resource_name :object_id

  remote_accessor :old_favorite
  remote_accessor :favorite

  # Update favorite color to anything except the currently-published
  # favorite. Also save off the old favorite.
  def update_favorite
    colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green']

    remote_attribute_modify(:old_favorite, :favorite) do |attribute, value|
      # Value of block will become the new value of the given attribute.
      if attribute == :old_favorite
        # Make the old_favorite our current favorite
        # Choose a new favorite

The method remote_attribute_modify takes the attribute(s) to modify (as symbols) and a block. The block is provided the attribute name and the current value of the attribute; the ending value of the block becomes the new attribute value.

Rather than perform locking on an attribute (which would slow down all reads and writes), LiveResource performs optimistic locking thanks to features in Redis. If the value of the attribute changes while the remote_attribute_modify block is executing, LiveResource simply replays the block with the changed value. This preserves the performance of attribute read/write and eliminates potential deadlocks.

As a consequence, however, the block passed to remote_attribute_modify should not change external state that relies on the block only executing once.


Attributes are good for publishing state information, but how do you interact with a resource? LiveResource provides actor-like method calling from one object to another. Like attributes, it works great across processes and machines. An example:

# Running in process A
class MathResource
  include LiveResource::Resource

  remote_class :math
  remote_name :object_id

  def divide(dividend, divisor)
    raise"cannot divide by zero") if divisor == 0
    dividend / divisor

# Creating an instances starts its method dispatcher thread.

# Running in processs B
m = LiveResource::any(:math)
m.divide(10, 5) # --> 2
m.divide(1, 0)  # --> raises ArgumentError

The resource does not need to explicitly declare its remote methods; any public methods are automatically remote-callable. (Methods of superclasses, however, are not remoted.) When an instance is created, a thread is also created to service remote method calls.

When you get a resource proxy (as in process B above) there are a couple ways to call a remote method:

  • Just call the method exactly as-is, like divide(...), which blocks the calling thread until the resource responds. If the resource's method raises an exception, LiveResource's method dispatcher traps the exception, serializes it, and the exception is raised in the caller's thread.

  • Call asynchronously in a fire-and-forget matter by adding an exclamation point to the end of the method name, like divide!(...), with the downside of not being able to get a response.

  • Call asynchronously and get the return value later by adding a question mark to the end of the method name, like divide?(...), which we'll discuss shortly.

Call Method and Check Value Later

There are many times when blocking on a remote method isn't acceptable. Continuing the above example, here's how to fire off the method and come back for the result later:

m = LiveResource::any(:math)
m.divide?(10, 5)
# .. do something else ..
m.value # may block, then --> 2

m.divide?(15, 5)
m.done? # --> true or false
# .. time elapses ..
m.done? # --> true
m.value # will not block --> 3

m.divide?(20, 5)
m.value(10) # wait up to 10 seconds, then --> 4

The return value from question-mark form method? calls is a Future, which allows both polling, blocking, and block-with-timeout conventions.

Forwarding Methods

TODO: needs documentation. In the meantime, refer to test/method_forward_continue_test.rb.

Resource start/stop callbacks

As noted above, when a new instance of a resource is created, the remote method mechanism is automatically started. What if, however, you want to perform some other processing at the time of start-up? Normally, you'd add such processing to the resource constructor. However, due to certain details of LiveResource internals, we recommend using resource start/stop callbacks. Additionally, this guarantees this code will run each time you start/stop the resource remote method mechanism for a particular instance.

class Worker
  include LiveResource::Resource

  resource_class :worker
  resource_name :name

  remote_reader :name

  # Define resource start/stop callbacks
  on_resource_start :start_work
  on_resource_stop :stop_work

  def initialize(name)
    remote_attribute_write(:name, name)

  def get_results
    # ...Gather current results from background process...

  # Make start/stop callbacks private so they won't be remote-callable
  def start_work
    # start some background processing
    @run_thread = do
      # ...Do some magic processing...

  def stop_work
    return unless @run_thread
    @run_thread = nil

LiveResource guarantees that the start callback will be executed before the instance receives any remote method calls and that no remote method calls will be received after the stop callback has exectued.

Configuring the Redis Client

LiveResource will try to connect to Redis at localhost and its default port, 6379. If you need to change that, or any other client parameters, just assign a new Redis client.

LiveResource::RedisClient.redis = 'machine-c.local')

Missing LiveResource 1.x Features

Some features from 1.x have not been brought to 2.0 yet.

Attribute Publish/Subscribe

NOTE: attribute pub/sub from LiveResource 1 is not currently supported in LiveResource 2. It was never used within Spectra Logic, so it may be dropped.


(This section is my to-do list for future versions of LiveResource. -jdc)

  • Auto-discovery of Redis server, probably via DNS-SD and ActiveService gem.

  • "rake test" should use alternate Redis DB, not default.

  • More formally specify and test edge-case behaviors, for example:

    • Getting/setting attributes that don't exist.

    • Forward/continue with methods that fail, methods that time out because no resource is available.

    • Startup order problems with resources and clients of them. Any way allow clients to wait and retry?

    • Serialize exceptions in a less Ruby-specific manner.

    • Policy around network timeout and retries.

  • Benchmarking: try multiple redis clients

  • Tools/Debugging:

    • Text/graphical resource monitor/explorer

    • Logging: allow runtime logging level changes (possibly via built-in remote method)

    • Logging: syslog setup

    • Optional audit log for workers.

  • Finish rdoc, test to make sure it looks right.

License / Copying

See the file COPYING.


LiveResource is brought to you by Josh Carter, Mark von Minden, and Rob Grimm of Spectra Logic.


Framework for resource discovery, operations, and notification







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