This repository serves to document the changes and developments between the revisions as they have progressed, as well as to provide end-users with the necessary CAD files to make cases and plates as they see fit. To minimize confusion between the versions, resources for only the most recent versions are available here.
Bruce the Keyboard is a 34-key column staggered keyboard (not a human). The original layout was created by whydobearsxplod. The original PCB was created by jlw (me) and debuted in 2024 with a small run of 15 PCBs.
Vial firmware available in the central Vial repo: link
- added rotated switch footprints for all positions (switches can now be placed with 0 or 90 degrees rotation) to alleviate potential issues with switch stem to keycap stem orientation
- soldermask updated to black
- updated silkscreen
- added plate mount cutouts in 4 corners to allow for plate mount boards and plates
- updated silkscreen
- initial version. Tray mount only. Blue soldermask
Brian the Keyboard is a row stagger keyboard using the same keycap compatibility required for a Bruce the Keyboard (excepting one extra 1u for Brian the Keyboard). Brian the Keyboard the PCBs share the same edge cuts and mounting pattern as Bruce the Keyboard the PCB v2 and later (so cases are compatible with both Brian and Bruce PCBs.) Designed by Noah Kiser.
Vial firmware available in the central Vial repo: link
- initial version, sold by CBKBD
- blue soldermask
Bruce le Clavier est une version de « Bruce the Keyboard » divisée, créé par jlw. On peut ajouter une 35ème touche ou bien un encodeur rotatif au centre de Bruce le Clavier. Parfois, on l'appelle « le Bruce. »
Le micrologiciel de Vial est sur demande de tirage: lien
- version initiale
- masque de soudre noir
A number of open source case options exist for Bruce/Brian the Keyboard. The list below is not exhaustive, and inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement or guarantee of any of these cases.
- Birthday Suit by jlw: PCB alone with bumpons or standoffs
- Conjoined Bruces by wildo: PCB attached with standoffs and screws to a second PCB acting as a bottom plate
- Casegen case from whydobearsxplod's casegen
- Debossed "Bruce the Keyboard" case by whydobearsxplod
- Hex case by whydobearsxplod
- "Not the Human" case by Chronomap: Github
- MFR2-styled case by Seirin-Blu
- Boxy Bruce by Seirin-Blu: Github
- Bruce the Menhir by Seirin-Blu: Github
- Tofu-styled case by Swear Wolf
- Hull-styled case by CyberJedi: Github
- Chonky Bruce by CyberJedi: Github
- Bent steel case by flyingika
- stripesGS by grezeh: Github
- Humane by Jake of P3D store: Notion
- Travel case by Octonite