Unity utility to help devs to record hand tracking gestures easier
How can I use this?
Download GestureRecognizer.cs
Move it to your project folder
Make custom gameobjects to follow each finger tip as well as the base of the hand
Attach GestureRecognizer component to any object in the Scene
Set Hand with the gameobject taht follows base of the Hand
Set the array of gameobjects with the gameobjects that follow each finger tip
Connect your Oculus Quest with Oculus Link
Connect and wake up your Oculus Quest
Start Oculus Link
Start Play Mode in Unity
Make the desired gesture with your hand
Pause Play Mode
Press "Save current gesture" in Inspector
Copy the GestureRecognizer component
Stop Play Mode
Paste Component Values in the same GestureRecognizer component
Deploy the new Gesture object added to the list of Saved Gestures
Fill the onRecognize event to perform desired actions when gesture is detected
This Unity project uses the following:
- Unity 2019.2.9f1
- Oculus Integration 13.0
- Oculus Link needed
This script can be used without Oculus Integration as it can record and recognize any configuration of positions in a tree of objects.
- Jorge Juan González - HCI Researcher at I3A (UCLM) - GitHub - LinkedIn - ResearchGate
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details