Scripts to convert metadata to and from different formats: e.g., MARCXML to DC, or MARCXML to
Please contact the author with pull requests, bug reports, and feature requests.
MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data MARC reference.
MARC to Dublin Core Crosswalk The Library of Congress's MARC to Dublin Core crosswalk.
MARC Fields displayed on Full Records Internal documentation.
LibreCat/Catmandu Another project, written in Perl, with converters to and from lots of metadata formats.
How to use DCMI Metadata as linked data Some notes from
DCMI Metadata expressed in RDF Schema Language
MARC to DC with Collection Details (most up-to-date spec for MARC to DC conversions)
PREMIS Data Dictionary Version 3
To get a corresponding print record for each of these digital records, look at the 776$w field for an identifier like an OCLC number (OCoLC).
11435664 11435665 11435666 11435667 11435668 11435669 11435670 11435671 11435672 11435673 11435674 11435675 11435676 11435677 11435678 11435679 1582888 1582891 1582893 1586198 1586219 3401134 3404181 3450640 3450644 39315 5043062 5043187 5043398 5043675 5043919 5059056 5063149 5063673 5063697 5063699 5063706 5070204 5077687 5570199 5998122 5999564 5999565 5999566 7641168
John Jung, José Reyes