This script uses computer vision to automatically crop color bars and rulers from high resolution scans.
First, start the OpenCV component in a Docker container:
docker build -t crop
docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 crop start
Then run the cropping script itself in a separate window:
$ sh
.----. .----. .----. .----.
| {} }| {} }| {_ { {__
| .--' | .-. \| {__ .-._} }
`-' `-' `-'`----'`----'
.---. .----. .----. .----.
/ ___}| {} }/ {} \| {} }
\ }| .-. \\ /| .--'
`---' `-' `-' `----' `-'
Welcome to the preservation cropping script.
Enter input directory, e.g. /Volumes/pres/EWM/ewm-0054/Masters:
The following script tests cropping settings on a specific image:
$ sh <red> <green> <blue> <variation> <inputfile> <outputfile>
In testing mode the script draws a rectangle around the image area that Before you begin, make sure you have all the right packages installed (requirements.txt)
will be left after cropping. Here's a sample image-
And here is the sample image with a bounding box-
In an rgb pixel describing the ruler's color, the red channel amount from 0-255.
In an rgb pixel describing the ruler's color, the green channel amount from 0-255.
In an rgb pixel describing the ruler's color, the blue channel amount from 0-255.
Fuzziness for color matching. If rgb values are 120 and grayvariation is set to 20, the script will search for objects between 100/100/100 and 140/140/140.
Please contact the author with pull requests, bug reports, and feature requests.
John Jung (Author), Kevin Song