precomplied ready to do hex image to to be programmed in to the RN2903A using ICSP or bootloader *********Disclaimer ******* Not tested, Use at own risk (original source LoRaWAN source code
RN2903NA_1.0.5\Source\RN2903_Parser AU915 1v05
Dependancies MPLAB X 5.15 RN2903_Parser AU915 1v05 Project Type: Application - Configuration: combined Device PIC18LF46K22 Checksum: 0x035B Packs PIC18F-K_DFP (1.0.48) Compiler Toolchain XC8 (v1.45) [C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.45\bin] License: Workstation - PRO -
Porgram Memory PIC18LF46K22 Data 3,896 (0xF38) bytes
Data Used: 78.0% Data Used: 3,038 (0xBDE) Free: 858 (0x35A)
Program 64,768 (0xFD00) bytes
Program Used: 80.7% Program Used: 52,253 (0xCC1D) Free: 12,515 (0x30E3)
MPLAB X IDE v5.15 - RN2903_Parser AU915 105 : combined