Automatic trader that trades the custom built algorithm documented here.
- This project requires node to run. It was developed using version 8.9.4.
- Once installed get the required dependencies with the command:
npm i
- There is a configuration file that needs to be renamed and supplied with the bitfinex secret/key:
mv src/config-example.js src/exchanges/config.js
npm start ui
- Runs the trader with a ui controller on port 8882: http://localhost:8882.npm start dev
- Runs the trader with commands availble from the terminalnpm start
- Runs the trader with the endpoint: http://localhost:8000. This can receive http requests from this postman project to send actions to bitfinex. A description of the API can be found here.npm run docs
- Generates code documentation as a static html page.
- [b]alances - Gets the available balance quoted in all of the supported pairs
pair: 'ETHBTC',
balance: 192.338,
tradeable: 480.845
- [s]tate - Gets the current state of the bot
state = {
"state": "active",
"balances": [{
"pair": "ETHBTC",
"balance": 0.13802080706832412,
"tradeable": 0.3130893379539062
"activePairs": [{
"pair": "ETHBTC",
"balance": 0.13802080706832412,
"side": "buy",
"positions": [],
"orders": []
- [o]rders - Gets all open orders
"price": 0.043615,
"remaining_amount": .565
- [p]ositions - Gets all open positions
"id": "134514333",
"pair": "ETHBTC",
"base": 0.089331,
"amount": 0.13875501,
"profit": -0.00001565073259794,
"side": "buy"
- [buy] - Places a margin long trade on the ETHBTC pair worth 0.02 ETH at the price of the lowest ask. Returns the current state
- [sell] - Places a margin short trade on the ETHBTC pair worth 0.02 ETH at the price of the highest bid. Returns the current state
- [c]lose - Closes an open ETHBTC position
- [e]xit - Closes all open positions and orders
- [r]esolve pending orders - Recursively attempts to re-submit any unfilled open orders
- pm2 was used in place of node as an advanced, production process manager for Node.js. Start pm2 with the command:
pm2 start src/app.js --name trader