This was an impromtu script created to scrape downloadable links from the GWIPS website and rename/organize the files into something more user friendly.
This should be portable to other UCSC-mirrors through updating the python script.
Ulitmately, all info needed for GWIPS mining is contained within the file GWIPS_key.csv created on 17Jul2023.
python > gwips_links.txt
sh gwips_links.txt
(will need to update paths inside gwips_helper.R
Rscript gwips_helper.R
- An additional python script was create
to retrieve the 'text' attribute as displayed the html page. - An additional R script
was written to consolidate all info.
The final directory created contains the below;
num.files size parent
4009 133G .
7 207M araTha1
3 24M araTha1.1
42 88M baciSubt2
18 31M caulCres
109 4.4G ce10
6 158M ce10.1
75 2.2G danRer7
19 832M danRer7.1
41 1.2G dm3
9 383M dm3.1
17 49M eschColi_BW25113
413 1.1G eschColi_K12
10 6.8M eschColi_K12.1
1084 50G hg38
8 193M hg38.1
23 21M HHV5
2 1.9M HHV5.1
35 4.0M Influenza_A_H1N1
32 3.7M Influenza_A_H1N1.1
27 3.0M Influenza_A_H1N1.2
27 3.0M Influenza_A_H1N1.3
9 1.1M Influenza_A_H1N1.4
9 1.1M Influenza_A_H1N1.5
1 1.5K k_marxianus_DMKU3_1042
12 12M Mabcessus_ASM6918v1
973 54G mm10
5 969K NC_001416
15 64M Ncrassa_or74a
6 93M Ncrassa_or74a_Sachs_Lab
42 195M P_aeruginosa_ATCC_33988
22 142M P_aeruginosa_PAO1
25 936M plasFalc1
120 8.2G rn6
42 241M S_coelicolor_ASM20383v1
45 288M s_pombe
575 8.5G sacCer3
6 104M sacCer3.1
12 82M Salmonella_typhimurium_SL1344
26 23M Saureus_ASM1342
30 76M Saureus_ASM1346
6 70M Tbrucei_TREU927
9 158M xenLaevis
12 291M Zea_Mays_B73