An Ansible role for installing Prometheus Resque Exporter on a Ubuntu box. This role is based on
Resque must be already installed.
resque_exporter_redis_url: Redis server url. Default to redis://localhost:6379
resque_exporter_redis_namespace: Redis namespace for resque. Default to resque
resque_exporter_port: The port in which the exporter will expose the metrics. Default to 9447
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- role: jobscore.prometheus_resque_exporter
resque_exporter_redis_url: redis://redis-server:6379
resque_exporter_redis_namespace: resque
resque_exporter_port: 9447
resque_exporter_version: 0.3.1
This role was created by GlauberrBatista while working for JobScore Inc.