An Ansible role for installing Prometheus Passenger Exporter on a Ubuntu box. This role is based on
Passenger must be already installed.
prometheus_passenger_nginx_pid_path: The path of nginx/passenger PID file. Default to /run/
prometheus_passenger_port: The port in which the exporter will expose the metrics. Default to 9149
prometheus_passenger_registry_dir: The location of `passenger_instance_registry_dir` setup in passenger configuration file. Default to /tmp
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- role: jobscore.prometheus_passenger_exporter
prometheus_passenger_nginx_pid_path: /tmp/
prometheus_passenger_port: 9999
prometheus_passenger_registry_dir: /var/run/passenger
This role was created by GlauberrBatista while working for JobScore Inc.