An application where you can post an event you plan on going to (i.e concert, sporting event, cookout) on a map. When an event is created the location will be pinned on a map which you can click to view the information, delete, or update the event.
- As a user I want to sign in/up
- As a user I want to change my password
- As a user I want to sign out
- As a user I want to add a new event
- As a user I want to see multiple events I own
- As a user I want to see a single event I own
- As a user I want to edit a event I own
- As a user I want to remove a event I own
I plan to work on a specific functionality at a time beginning with the backend API. Problem solving issues will be solved with research or reaching out through the issues thread.
- PostgreSQL
- Django
- Python
- JavaScript
Implementing a map to be able to pin locations for events. Search bar not displaying event.
- Visit the EVNT website.
- Sign Up for an account.
- Sign In using your existing account.
- Click the New Event option on the menu to create and event.
- Click the View Events to see all events you've created.
- On the events click the View button to view a single event.
- In single event view you can click delete to remove the event from your list of events.
- Also, in single event view you can click update to update the event using the ID which is seen in the single event view.
- To change password you click the Change Password option on the menu.
- To sign out simply click the Sign Out option on the menu.