Access the following link to install.
Verify installation by running:
docker --version
Open Docker Desktop and wait for it to start. This will give you a visual of whether your containers are running.
- Run the following command to build the images and start the containers in detached mode:
docker-compose up --build -d
- The
flag ensures the images are rebuilt. - The
flag runs the containers in the background (detached mode).
- The
To see which containers are running, use:
docker ps
You may need to check logs for the ML container to get the token for the Jupyter URL. Type the following command, and look for the URLs containing the token.
docker logs <container_id>
To open the FastAPI backend, visit: http://localhost:8000
To open the ML folder in Jupyter in your browser, visit: http://localhost:8888/login?next=%2Ftree%3F and paste the token you found from Docker logs in Step 4 in as a password. Alternatively, simply follow the URL you found in Step 4.
When you're done with the Docker containers, run:
docker-compose down