This is the source code for my personal website The site serves as a platform to showcase my work, share my thoughts through blog posts, and provide information about my professional journey.
This portfolio is built with modern web technologies and features a minimalist design focused on content and user experience. While the source code is available for reference, please note that the design, content, and assets are not licensed for reuse.
- Next.js - React framework for production
- TypeScript - Type-safe JavaScript
- Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework
- MDX - Markdown for the component era
- Vercel - For deployment and analytics
- Responsive minimalist design
- Blog with MDX support
- Dynamic OG image generation
- RSS feed
- Sitemap generation
- View counter for blog posts
- Performance monitoring with Vercel Analytics and Speed Insights
βββ app/ # Next.js 13+ app directory
β βββ (api)/ # API routes (analytics, RSS, resume)
β βββ blog/ # Blog pages and post layouts
β βββ about/ # About page
β βββ uses/ # Uses page
β βββ work/ # Work showcase page
βββ components/ # Reusable React components
β βββ blog/ # Blog-specific components
β βββ layout/ # Layout components (footer, sidebar)
β βββ mdx/ # MDX components
β βββ ui/ # UI components (badge, toast, icons)
βββ content/ # MDX files for blog posts
βββ lib/ # Utility functions and database actions
βββ public/ # Static assets (fonts, images)