This repo is a starter dRMM component.
Run initialize\init1.ps1 interactively to build a new resource.xml
CD into .\build and run build\repackage.bat to turn it into an importable dRMM component.
Download or fork, run repackage.bat and upload aem-component.cpt to dRMM. You can also download the aem-component.cpt straight from this repository and install in your dRMM instance.
You do not need to build this_. You can just copy and paste the code from command.ps1
into your own script as well.
The build is made if you need to include extra files or resources in your component.
For consistency the variable $exitcode should always be set before calling an exit function. 0 indicates success, 1 failure.
The default script contained here has a function Exit-dRMMScript which will properly exit with the following parameters:
- -exitcode: 0 (success) or 1 (failure)
- There are two constants you can use for this: $EXIT_SUCCESS and $EXIT_FAILURE, that correspond to 0 and 1 respectively.
- -results: The results to output (typically an integer or a success/failure message)
- -diagnostics: Extra diagnostic information. We consider it best practice to return a value here, even if previous functions indicate success. For instance, if you are unzipping files to a directory and that returns success, diagnostics may return the directory contents as confirmation that the unzip was successful.
Every script should (1) set $exitcode at some point and (2) Exit-dRMMScript
Exit-dRMMScript -exitcode $EXIT_SUCCESS -results "Success!" -diagnostics "Additional info here"
Use write-output instead of write-host. Because Datto support said so.