NHWAVE Developer Group and Software Distribution
Manage code modifications and updates for NHWAVE, and provide code access to end users.
Development team members:
github user email affiliation role
Jim Kirby JimKirby [email protected] University of Delaware Group owner
Gangfeng Ma gangfengma [email protected] Old Dominion University
Fengyan Shi fengyanshi [email protected] University of Delaware
Morteza Derakhti derakhti [email protected] University of Washington
Cheng Zhang chzhangudel [email protected] University of Delaware
Change history:
11/07/16 - Kirby extracts initialize.F and two_layer_slide.F from nhwave.F
11/23/16 - Cheng Bug Fixes ·Fixed two bugs that leaded to unstability since two variables were not initialized.
Additions to Functions ·Added a function to record max runup of wave. ·Added a function to record varying bathymetry. ·Added a function to hot start simulation. ·Added a function to limit max maximum Froude number. ·Added a function to generate irregular waves with a internal wave maker. ·Added a function to impose nesting data as boundary conditions.
Changes ·Changed Sommerfeld open boundary condition to Orlanski open boundary condition. ·Changed subroutine flux_left_right_boundary to impose velocity at inflow boundary. ·Changed subroutine probes to output velocity components at each layer when setting z=-1.0 in stat.txt
08/03/2017 - Cheng Zhang
Additions to Functions ·Added a subroutine for fluid slide simulation. ·Added a subroutine for comprehensive landslide bathymetry discription(from Fengyan). ·Added a function to impose wall friction on east, west, south and/or north walls. ·Added a function to identify 2D and 3D solid slide in input file. ·Added a function for 3D solid triangular slide.
Changes ·Changed long sentences to short ones to avoid compile problems.
23/03/2017 - Cheng Zhang
Additions to Functions ·Added a function to hot start simulation with moving boundary.
Bug Fixes ·Fixed a bug that can cause parallelization problem.
UPDATE_00004 by Cheng Zhang 09/05/2017
■Changes ·Changed the old viscous slide model with a new one with TVD scheme, removing artificial diffusion from mass conservation and double counted bottom friction from momentum equations.
■Bug Fixes ·Fixed a bug that can cause parallelization problem. ·Fixed two bugs in the granular slide model.
UPDATE_00005 by Cheng Zhang 02/06/2017
■Changes ·Changed influx boundary condition to impose fixed flux.
UPDATE_00006 by Cheng Zhang 04/12/2017
■Bug Fixes ·Fixed a bug in subroutine update_mask to ensure a wet-dry front moves correctly indepedent on the direction. ·Fixed a bug in subroutine eval_duvw that can lead non-zero DU/DV/DW in grid with Mask(i,j)=0. ·Fixed a bug in wall friction boundary condition.
■Additions to Functions ·Added a function to hot start simulation with viscous landslide.
■Changes ·Changed delxH and delyxH at the edge of wet-dry boundary by using Mask9 to avoid extremely height slope at that place.
UPDATE_00007 by Cheng Zhang 04/02/2018
■Additions to Functions ·Added a function to simulate slump case of rigid landslide.
■Changes ·Changed the IBM code to be applicable to the hydrostatic case.
02/08/2019 - Kirby
Collected all known instances (so far of solutions of linear dispersion relation and replaced by a call to new subroutine
wave_dispersion. Created new file waves.F that contains wave_dispersion plus boundary or initial wave generation.
subroutine source_terms remains to be modified (to extract portions that only need to be executed once.) Subroutines in waves.F
all extracted from nhwave.F except for the new wave_dispersion.
02/11/2019 - Kirby
Corrected error made in wave_dispersion subroutine. Changed some of the copyright statements (gnu -> bsd)
02/20/2019 - Kirby
Corrected two typos in waves.F Moved subroutines related to Poisson solver from nhwave.F to pressure.F