I'm currently using dotbot to automate the management of dotfiles.
I mostly use this on Manjaro and Debian Buster/Stretch, but it should be relatively easy to modify this to run on other OSes as well.
Running this on Stretch works for the most part, but certain vim plugins won't play nicely (at least coc-snippets) due to too old packages.
- Install required packages (Debian):
sudo apt install curl git python-neovim python3-neovim tmux zsh && curl -sL install-node.now.sh/lts | bash
- install neovim appimage or build from sources
- Install required packages (Manjaro/Arch):
sudo pacman -S curl git inetutils nodejs npm python3 python-pynvim tmux wget zsh
- install neovim-nightly-bin or manually build from sources
git clone https://github.com/jkavan/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles
- Run the dotfiles installation script:
- Set zsh as the default shell
chsh -s $(which zsh)
To update dotfiles, run git pull && ./install
To update submodules, run git submodule update --remote --init --recursive
The SSH-agent service keeps track of user's keys and their passphrases. It makes it less cumbersome to use SSH keys with passphrases.
Start and enable the service:
systemctl --user start ssh-agent
systemctl --user enable ssh-agent
Once the service has started, run ssh-add
to add your SSH keys into the SSH authentication agent.
Docker can be used to easily test these dotfiles in an isolated environment without affecting current setup.
The repository contains Dockerfiles for Debian and Arch that contain these dotfiles.
Build a Debian (latest) Docker image:
docker build -t jkavan/dotfiles .
Or build the Arch based Docker image:
docker build -t jkavan/dotfiles -f=Dockerfile.arch .
Run the Docker image:
docker run --rm -it jkavan/dotfiles
If your $TERM
differs from the one defined in the Dockerfile, you can override it:
docker run --rm -it jkavan/dotfiles env TERM=tmux-256color
After launching the container, run vim
, so coc.nvim
plugin will automatically download and install all additional coc-extensions.