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fix pairwise option to deal with label and add pairwise.showtest
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jinseob2kim authored Nov 19, 2024
2 parents 9d51d25 + 2868ab3 commit 582ed0e
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Showing 8 changed files with 213 additions and 152 deletions.
155 changes: 81 additions & 74 deletions R/CreateTableOneJS.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#' @param showpm Logical, show normal distributed continuous variables as Mean ± SD. Default: T
#' @param addOverall (optional, only used if strata are supplied) Adds an overall column to the table. Smd and p-value calculations are performed using only the stratifed clolumns. Default: F
#' @param pairwise (optional, only used if strata are supplied) When there are three or more strata, it displays the p-values for pairwise comparisons. Default: F
#' @param pairwise.showtest (optional, only used if strata are supplied) When using pairwise comparison, it displays the test used to calculate p-values for pairwise comparisons. Default: F
#' @return A matrix object containing what you see is also invisibly returned. This can be assinged a name and exported via write.csv.
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
Expand All @@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ CreateTableOne2 <- function(data, strata, vars, factorVars, includeNA = F, test
testNormal = oneway.test, argsNormal = list(var.equal = F),
testNonNormal = kruskal.test, argsNonNormal = list(NULL),
showAllLevels = T, printToggle = F, quote = F, smd = F, Labels = F, exact = NULL, nonnormal = NULL,
catDigits = 1, contDigits = 2, pDigits = 3, labeldata = NULL, minMax = F, showpm = T, addOverall = F, pairwise = F) {
catDigits = 1, contDigits = 2, pDigits = 3, labeldata = NULL, minMax = F, showpm = T, addOverall = F, pairwise = F, pairwise.showtest = F) {
setkey <- variable <- level <- . <- val_label <- NULL

if (length(strata) != 1) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,96 +144,101 @@ CreateTableOne2 <- function(data, strata, vars, factorVars, includeNA = F, test
# cap.tb1 = paste("Table 1: Stratified by ", labeldata[variable == strata, "var_label"][1], sep="")

# Pairwise option
if (pairwise && length(unique(data[[strata]])) > 2) {
# 정규성 테스트 수행
normality_results <- sapply(vars, function(x) {
is_continuous <- is.numeric(data[[x]]) || is.integer(data[[x]])
if (is_continuous && nrow(data) <= 5000) {
shapiro_test_result <- tryCatch(stats::shapiro.test(data[[x]])$p.value, error = function(e) NA)
return(! && shapiro_test_result >= 0.05) # p >= 0.05면 정규성 만족
} else {
return(TRUE) # 큰 샘플이거나 정규성 검사가 불가할 때는 정규성 만족으로 처리

p_position <- which(colnames(ptb1) == "p")
strata_count <- length(unique(data$variables[[strata]]))
comparison_columns <- colnames(ptb1)[(p_position - strata_count):(p_position - 1)]
pairwise_comparisons <- combn(
comparison_columns, 2,
simplify = FALSE
pairwise_pvalues_list <- lapply(vars, function(x) {
sapply(pairwise_comparisons, function(pair) {
subset_data <- data[data[[strata]] %in% pair, ]
is_continuous <- is.numeric(data[[x]]) || is.integer(data[[x]])
test_result <- if (is_continuous) {
if (normality_results[x]) {
test <- t.test(subset_data[[x]] ~ subset_data[[strata]], var.equal = FALSE) # Welch's t-test
list(p_value = test$p.value, test_used = "t-test")
error = function(e) {
list(p_value = NA, test_used = NA)
} else {
test <- wilcox.test(subset_data[[x]] ~ subset_data[[strata]])
list(p_value = test$p.value, test_used = "wilcox")
error = function(e) {
list(p_value = NA, test_used = NA)
} else {
# 범주형 데이터에 대해 Chi-square 또는 Fisher's exact test 수행
unique_strata <- sort(unique(stats::na.omit(data[[strata]])))
pairwise_comparisons <- combn(unique_strata, 2, simplify = FALSE)
pairwise_names <- sapply(pairwise_comparisons, function(pair) {
paste0("p(", pair[1], " vs ", pair[2], ")")
pairwise_pvalues <- stats::setNames(
sapply(pairwise_comparisons, function(pair) {
subset_data <- data[data[[strata]] %in% pair, ]
subset_data[[strata]] <- droplevels(subset_data[[strata]])
test <- chisq.test(table(subset_data[[strata]], subset_data[[x]]))
list(p_value = test$p.value, test_used = "chisq")
warning = function(w) {
test <- fisher.test(table(subset_data[[strata]], subset_data[[x]]))
list(p_value = test$p.value, test_used = "exact")
table_result <- CreateTableOne2(
data = subset_data, strata = strata, vars = vars, factorVars = factorVars, includeNA = includeNA, test = test,
testApprox = testApprox, argsApprox = argsApprox, testExact = testExact, argsExact = argsExact,
testNormal = testNormal, argsNormal = argsNormal, testNonNormal = testNonNormal, argsNonNormal = argsNonNormal,
showAllLevels = showAllLevels, printToggle = printToggle, quote = quote, smd = smd, Labels = Labels,
exact = NULL, nonnormal = nonnormal, catDigits = catDigits, contDigits = contDigits, pDigits = pDigits,
labeldata = labeldata, minMax = minMax, showpm = showpm, addOverall = addOverall, pairwise = F
p_values <- table_result[, "p"]
test_used <- table_result[, "test"]
list(p_value = p_values,
test_used = test_used)
error = function(e) {
list(p_value = NA, test_used = NA)
list(p_value = stats::setNames(rep(NA, length(vars)), vars),
test_used = stats::setNames(rep(NA, length(vars)), vars))
}, simplify = FALSE)
names(pairwise_pvalues_list) <- vars

}, simplify = FALSE),
nm = pairwise_names
for (i in seq_along(pairwise_comparisons)) {
col_name <- paste0("p(", pairwise_comparisons[[i]][1], "vs", pairwise_comparisons[[i]][2], ")")
test_name <- paste0("test(", pairwise_comparisons[[i]][1], "vs", pairwise_comparisons[[i]][2], ")")
ptb1 <- cbind(ptb1, col_name = "", test_name = "")
colnames(ptb1)[ncol(ptb1) - 1] <- col_name
colnames(ptb1)[ncol(ptb1)] <- test_name

for (i in seq_along(pairwise_comparisons)) {
col_name <- paste0("p(", pairwise_comparisons[[i]][1], "vs", pairwise_comparisons[[i]][2], ")")
test_name <- paste0("test(", pairwise_comparisons[[i]][1], "vs", pairwise_comparisons[[i]][2], ")")
for (x in vars) {
p_value <- pairwise_pvalues_list[[x]][[i]]$p_value
test_used <- pairwise_pvalues_list[[x]][[i]]$test_used
cleaned_row_names <- gsub("\\s+|\\(\\%\\)", "", rownames(ptb1))
cleaned_var_name <- gsub("\\s+|\\(\\%\\)", "", x)
first_row <- which(cleaned_row_names == cleaned_var_name)[1]
p_value <- ifelse(p_value < 0.001, "<0.001", as.character(round(p_value, 2)))
ptb1[first_row, col_name] <- p_value
ptb1[first_row, test_name] <- test_used
pairwise_key <- paste0("p(", pairwise_comparisons[[i]][1], " vs ", pairwise_comparisons[[i]][2], ")")
p_value <- pairwise_pvalues[[pairwise_key]]$p_value
test_used <- pairwise_pvalues[[pairwise_key]]$test_used
p_value_names <- names(p_value)
for (x in p_value_names) {
if (x != "") {
matched_rows <- match(x, rownames(ptb1))
if (! {
ptb1[matched_rows, col_name] <- p_value[x]
ptb1[matched_rows, test_name] <- test_used[x]
if (!is.null(labeldata) && Labels) {
pairwise_p_cols <- grep("^p\\(", colnames(ptb1), value = TRUE)
pairwise_test_cols <- grep("^test\\(", colnames(ptb1), value = TRUE)
strata_labels <- stats::setNames(labeldata[labeldata$variable == strata, val_label], labeldata[labeldata$variable == strata, level])
updated_p_colnames <- sapply(pairwise_p_cols, function(col_name) {
match <- regmatches(col_name, regexec("^p\\(([^vs]+)vs([^\\)]+)\\)", col_name))
if (length(match[[1]]) == 3) {
group1 <- match[[1]][2]
group2 <- match[[1]][3]
label1 <- strata_labels[as.character(group1)]
label2 <- strata_labels[as.character(group2)]
if (! && ! {
return(paste0("p(", label1, " vs ", label2, ")"))
updated_test_colnames <- sapply(pairwise_test_cols, function(col_name) {
match <- regmatches(col_name, regexec("^test\\(([^vs]+)vs([^\\)]+)\\)", col_name))
if (length(match[[1]]) == 3) {
group1 <- match[[1]][2]
group2 <- match[[1]][3]
label1 <- strata_labels[as.character(group1)]
label2 <- strata_labels[as.character(group2)]
if (! && ! {
return(paste0("test(", label1, " vs ", label2, ")"))
colnames(ptb1)[colnames(ptb1) %in% pairwise_p_cols] <- updated_p_colnames
colnames(ptb1)[colnames(ptb1) %in% pairwise_test_cols] <- updated_test_colnames
cols_to_remove <- grep("^test\\(", colnames(ptb1))
ptb1 <- ptb1[, -cols_to_remove]
cols_to_remove <- grep("^test\\(", colnames(ptb1))
ptb1 <- ptb1[, -cols_to_remove]
sig <- ifelse(ptb1[, "p"] == "<0.001", "0", ptb1[, "p"])
sig <- as.numeric(as.vector(sig))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,6 +283,7 @@ CreateTableOne2 <- function(data, strata, vars, factorVars, includeNA = F, test
#' @param addOverall (optional, only used if strata are supplied) Adds an overall column to the table. Smd and p-value calculations are performed using only the stratifed clolumns. Default: F
#' @param normalityTest Logical, perform the Shapiro test for all variables. Default: F
#' @param pairwise (optional, only used if strata are supplied) When there are three or more strata, it displays the p-values for pairwise comparisons. Default: F#' @return A matrix object containing what you see is also invisibly returned. This can be assinged a name and exported via write.csv.
#' @param pairwise.showtest (optional, only used if strata are supplied) When using pairwise comparison, it displays the test used to calculate p-values for pairwise comparisons. Default: F
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' library(survival)
Expand All @@ -297,7 +304,7 @@ CreateTableOneJS <- function(vars, strata = NULL, strata2 = NULL, data, factorVa
testNonNormal = kruskal.test, argsNonNormal = list(NULL),
showAllLevels = T, printToggle = F, quote = F, smd = F, Labels = F, exact = NULL, nonnormal = NULL,
catDigits = 1, contDigits = 2, pDigits = 3, labeldata = NULL, psub = T, minMax = F, showpm = T,
addOverall = F, normalityTest = F, pairwise = F) {
addOverall = F, normalityTest = F, pairwise = F, pairwise.showtest = F) {
. <- level <- variable <- val_label <- V1 <- V2 <- NULL
# if (Labels & !is.null(labeldata)){
# var_label(data) = sapply(names(data), function(v){as.character(labeldata[get("variable") == v, "var_label"][1])}, simplify = F)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,7 +379,7 @@ CreateTableOneJS <- function(vars, strata = NULL, strata2 = NULL, data, factorVa
testNormal = testNormal, argsNormal = argsNormal,
testNonNormal = testNonNormal, argsNonNormal = argsNonNormal, smd = smd,
showAllLevels = showAllLevels, printToggle = printToggle, quote = quote, Labels = Labels, nonnormal = nonnormal, exact = exact,
catDigits = catDigits, contDigits = contDigits, pDigits = pDigits, labeldata = labeldata, minMax = minMax, showpm = showpm, addOverall = addOverall, pairwise = pairwise
catDigits = catDigits, contDigits = contDigits, pDigits = pDigits, labeldata = labeldata, minMax = minMax, showpm = showpm, addOverall = addOverall, pairwise = pairwise, pairwise.showtest= pairwise.showtest

cap.tb1 <- paste("Stratified by ", strata, sep = "")
Expand Down

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