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Machine Learning Basics

  • Machine learning sub-problems
    • classification : data to discrete class label. Predicting a class label
    • regression : predicting a numerical value
    • similarity : finding similar/dissimilar data
    • clustering : discovering structure in data
    • embedding : data to a vector
    • reinforcement learning : training by feedback
  • Machine Learning Model Evaluation Metrics | PyData LA 2019 | video
    • classification error metrics
      • accuracy : low performance on unbalanced data
      • mean Average precision (mAP)
      • confusion matrix
      • F1 score
      • AUC
      • and ...
    • regression error metics
      • R^2
      • mean square error
      • absolute error
      • root mean squared logarithmic error
      • mean absoloute percentage error
    • permutation invariant: a model that produces the same output regardless of the order of elements in the input vector e.g. permutation invariant model : MLP e.g. permutation invariant operation : sum, mean, median, max, min e.g. permutation variant model : CNN, RNN --> position information

Solution for overfitting


  • paper Taking the Human Out of the Loop: A Review of Bayesian Optimization

GNN (Graph Neural Network)

  • Intro to graph neural networks (ML Tech Talks) | video
    • application of GNN : prediction of drug properties from structure
    • A Deep Learning Approach to Antibiotic Discovery | Cell, 2020 | paper
    • application of GNN : estimate ETA
    • application of GNN : social network

Graph Convolution

  • spectral approahces : to redefine the convolution operation in the Fourier domain, utilizing spectral filters that use ghe graph Laplacian.
  • non-spectral approaches : to define the colvution operation directly on the graph.
    • GraphSAGE : node embedding through sampling and aggregation
    • Graph Attention Network (GAT)

Graph pooling

  • topology based pooling :

    • graph coarsening algorithms
  • global pooling architecture : Node feature representation. effective on a graph with smaller number of nodes.

  • hierarchical pooling architecture : effective on a graph with larger number of nodes.

    • DiffPool
    • graph pooling (gPool)
  • Graph U-Net

  • Self-Attention Graph pooling (SAGpool)

GNN paper

  • Modeling Polypharmacy Side Effects with Graph Convolutional Networks


RNN basics

  • [Korean blog] RNN basic
  • What is the output in a RNN? | stack overflow
  • return_sequences
    • return_sequences=True : [batch_size, time_steps, input_dimensionality(input_features)] (contining the output for all time steps)
    • return_sequences=False : [batch size, input_dimensionality(input_features)] (containing the output of the last time stamp)
  • TimeDistributed(Dense) vs Dense in Keras - Same number of parameters | stack overflow
    • TimeDistributedDense applies a same dense to every time step during GRU/LSTM Cell unrolling. So the error function will be between predicted label sequence and the actual label sequence. (Which is normally the requirement for sequence to sequence labeling problems).
    • with return_sequences=False, Dense layer is applied only once at the last cell. This is normally the case when RNNs are used for classification problem. If return_sequences=True then Dense layer is applied to every timestep just like TimeDistributedDense.


  • learn what recognize an important input (input gate), store it in the long-term state, preserve it for as long as it is needed (forget gate), and extract it whenever it is needed.
  • two hidden states: h_t (short-term state; 'h' stands for 'hidden'), c_t (long-term state; 'c' stands for 'cell')
  • gate controller : the logistic activation function. Its output ranges from 0 to 1. Output 0 means closure of the gate. Output 1 means openness of the gate.
    • forget gate
    • input gate
    • output gate

creating training dataset : window


previous research

  • layer normalization
  • residual connection
    • ResNet


  • Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate | paper1
  • the concept of attention mechanism | video
  • transformer | video


  • query, key, value
  • attention pooling : Given a query, attention pooling biases selection over values.
  • attention scoring function : a weighted sum of the values based on these attention weights
    • masked softmax operation
    • additive attention
    • scaled dot-product attention
  • Bahdanau Attention : encoder-decoder paper Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate | paper1
  • self-attention (intra-attention) and positional encoding
    • self-attention : query, key, and values come from the same place

    • positional encoding : to use the sequence order information, we can inject absolute or relative positional information by adding positional encoding to the input representation. X + P (X : input representation, P: positional embedding matrix)


  • Attention Is All You Need
  • What exactly are keys, queries, and values in attention mechanisms? | stack overflow
  • Pay Attention to MLPs

computer vision

  • two stage detection : slow, accurate
    • R-CNN
    • fast R-CNN :
    • faster R-CNN : regional proposal network
  • one stage detection : fast, inaccurate, not easy to train
    Frame per Second (FPS) > 30 : criteria for real time visualization
    • YOLO : grid --> conditional class probility and bouding boxes + confidence --> final detection
    • Single Shot Detection (SSD)
  • application
    • image colorization

Generative adversarial network


Allen Institute for AI

Perspective : All thihg in ML/DL is human efforts. (e.g. training data selection, loss function, model architecture)
Yejin Choi
Q. how to reduce the sterotype or bias such as racism or sexism?

  • dateset
    • "garbage in, garbage out"
    • data augmentation
  • objective function
    • a traditional objective function minimize/maximize the error
    • To handling the bias, add 'gender' variable and a constraint that make 'gender' variable equally.

basic stuff

  • review A Primer on Neural Network Models for Natural Language Processin

distributed representation (word embeddings) : low-dimensional space

  • word embeddings
  • Word2vec
    • CBOW
    • skip-gram
  • Chateracter Embedding : out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words
  • Contextualized word embeddings

Generative model

  • Generative adversarial networks (GANs)
  • autoregressive models
  • flows
  • variational autoencoders (VAEs)
    • paper Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes link
  • Diffusion probabilistic model
    • paper Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
    • Stable diffusion: paper High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Model



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