- Calgary, Canada
- 7h behind - @jgodson88
- https://ca.linkedin.com/in/jason-godson-677b048a
shopify-script-creator Public
React app to create Shopify Scripts
koa-better-http-proxy Public
Forked from nsimmons/koa-better-http-proxyProxy middleware for Koa. Based on villadora/express-http-proxy
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 30, 2020 -
sprockets-commoner Public
Forked from Shopify/sprockets-commonerUse Babel in Sprockets to compile JavaScript modules for the browser
checkinapp Public
Evolution of fstcheckinpage to allow for anyone to use it
JavaScript UpdatedOct 23, 2019 -
script-minifier Public
Simple Ruby minifier to keep your Shopify scripts within the character limits
graphql-ruby Public
Forked from rmosolgo/graphql-rubyRuby implementation of GraphQL
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 13, 2019 -
mileage-calculator Public
A SPA built with React to track fuel mileage
JavaScript UpdatedJan 24, 2019 -
react-rpg Public
An experiment to see if I could make a game using React
JavaScript UpdatedSep 4, 2018 -
shopify-tools Public
A tool to extend and tweak the Shopify admin and apps to make your life easier
torrent-notifier Public
Desktop app built with electron that allows you to keep a collection of your favourite shows and automatically check for new episodes of them, if you so choose.
react-course Public
My completed version of Wes Bos's React For Beginners course
CSS UpdatedSep 20, 2017 -
OSInventoryManager Public
A Desktop App made with Electron to allow small business to track inventory, invoices, customer, etc
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 25, 2017 -
language-liquid-jgodson Public
Forked from GingerBear/vscode-liquidvscode liquid language support
1 UpdatedMar 18, 2017 -
divcharts-example Public
Working on a charting library that uses simple divs to create charts
JavaScript UpdatedNov 15, 2016 -
freeweather Public
Mobile app (Android & iOS) created with PhoneGap to provide local weather info
C++ UpdatedOct 24, 2016 -
portfolio Public
My Portfolio Page that I will be putting up on my site when completed.
CSS UpdatedOct 16, 2016 -
highstock-oil Public
Use a JSON API to retrieve data and display a chart using HighStock charts
HTML UpdatedAug 1, 2016 -
dynamic-modal Public
Using a single modal change the content based on data loaded externally
HTML UpdatedMay 30, 2016 -
getTemp Public
Get temperature from openweathermap and put it in a google spreadsheet
JavaScript UpdatedMar 4, 2016 -