Over 25 Stimulus controllers with built-in behavior, top-tier documentation, designed for easy extension, and ready for your styles to solve every day frontend problems.
Use Minitest assertions with keyword arguments
🖤 Create and share beautiful images of your source code
Find the mime type of files, examining file, filename and declared type
Module for the 'fog' gem to support Amazon Web Services
The open source error catcher that's Airbrake API compliant
Rails N+1 queries auto-detection with zero false positives / false negatives
A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide.
Rails I18n library for ActiveRecord model/data translation using PostgreSQL's hstore datatype
Railtie to include Redis commands in Rails logging.
Helper for triggering date input for bootstrap-datepicker javascript library
kreeti / kt-paperclip
Forked from thoughtbot/paperclipEasy file attachment management for ActiveRecord
Flexible type system for Ruby with coercions and constraints
Manages application of security headers with many safe defaults
SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, se…
Ruby: 2 CPUs = 2x Testing Speed for RSpec, Test::Unit and Cucumber
For the 42 project ft_printf, a regression testing utility and unit test library.
Receives a Coordinate, a Radius and a Number of edges and aproximates a circle by creating a polygon that fills its area
Multithreaded, Postgres-based, Active Job backend for Ruby on Rails.
Rails link_to wrapper for external links.
😱 An easy, Ruby way to use the Pwned Passwords API.