Notes and code from HackerRank Challenges and other programming problems.
NOTE: I am working to expand the Algorithms directory. I do not have plans to expand on the other directories in the short term.
- Algorithm implementations:
- Programming Problems:
- Flashcards:
Implementations of key algorithms for tackling programming problems. Language: Python 3.
Problems classified by area are from HackerRank.
Finding these problems: E.g. problems in the category 'Mathematics' are in a directory called 'mathematics'.
- Algorithms
- Functional Programming (Haskell)
- Mathematics
- Primarily Project Euler problems
- RegEx (Regular Expressions)
- Statistics
- HackerRank's Intro to Statistics Series
These problems are not classified by area, but by source. These problems are not from HackerRank.
- InterviewCake
- Cracking the Coding Interview by Gabrielle Laakmann-McDowell (
Flashcard content to import into Anki (flashcard software).
- General programming terminology
- Python syntax