Vocabulary utilities for educators and education platforms.
This is a collection of utilities useful for generating and manipulating materials for educational use. Originally, the goal was to automate creation of vocabulary quizzes, practice, and study materials but has expanded significantly.
The most useful part of the code is the interface to Instructional Management System Common Cartridge (IMSCC) instructional materials files (cartridges) which are used to export and import data from and between learning management systems (LMS). This interface can both read and write cartridges, allowing users to create or customize their instructional content outside the usually limited confines of the LMS.
Beware that assignments imported in IMSCC files are usually treated as templates and only offer a subset of the features that the LMS offers in its edited assignments. For instance, Schoology (January 2024) allows creation of fill-in-the-blank questions with multiple correct answers but imports them from a cartridge file with only the first correct answer. Likewise, it supports multiple fill-in-the-blank questions in its editor but cannot import them at all.
Despite these limitations, this is an excellent interface to create programmatically generated assignments, question banks, notes, and other resources that is missing from most LMSs. With a small amount of tooling, it is possible to create a workflow that builds a document from its sources and includes the generated product in a cartridge and subsequently updating the cartridge if the sources change (like compiling from LaTeX to PDF and including the PDF in the cartridge).
Install vocutil with:
pip install vocutil
or add as a poetry dependency.
The XML used by IMSCC files is not friendly. While it can be
human-readable, even simple fill-in-the-blank questions require a
tedious amount of XML boilerplate to comply with the format.
reads and writes its information in human-friendly JSON by
All glossary data is stored as JSON with the following format:
{ "course": { "title": string }, "book": { "title": string, "author": string }, "glossary": [ { "word": string, "definition": string, "chapter": integer, "section": integer }, ... ] }
Currently, only the "glossary"
array and only the "word"
parts of each entry are used.
All fill-in-the-blank question data is stored as JSON with the following format:
{ "type": "fib", "question": "question text", "answers": [ { "answer": "answer text", "case": "No" }, ... ] }
Multiple answers are treated as correct variations. "case"
be "Yes"
or "No"
(default). Each question should have at
least one answer.
All multiple choice question data is stored as JSON with the following format:
{ "type": "multiple choice", "question": "question text", "answers": [ { "answer": "answer text", "correct": boolean }, ... ] }
Answers are stored just multiple response types and the correct answer
should have "correct"
be true
. At most one answer can be
All true/false question data is stored as JSON with the following format:
{ "type": "true/false", "question": "question text", "answers": boolean }
All multiple response question data is stored as JSON with the following format:
{ "type": "multiple response", "question": "question text", "answers": [ { "answer": "answer text", "correct": boolean }, ... ] }
Answers are stored just multiple choice types, but all correct answers
should have "correct"
be true
. At least one answer should be
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
vocutil, educational vocabulary utilities.
Copyright (C) 2022-2025 Jeremy A Gray.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.