In this repository you will find my different IDEs and text editors, configuration files and development advises.
- Notepad++
- Compare plugin Allows comparing two files like WinMerge.
- Converter plugin Allows to convert some ASCII in HEX and reverse.
You will find a list of the plugins I used on my old ST3 setup here and a list of config files there I stopped using ST because it is not free and open source, making it more difficult to use in a pro environment, also, I did eventually install way too much plugins, making it totally bloated... It has been a fun journey with it, but taking a little bit of training on vim is definitely worth it!
You will also find my .gitconfig file that is located in your /home/username folder under Linux.
For coding tools and Tips, there is a cool document in scrassmussen/tools repository. Go check it out it is really well written and there are some cool tips and tools for programming.
For documentation, I actually use Doxygen. As I always work with other people and often have to give out my code to other devs, I pay a huge attention to document as well as possible my code, I strongly advise you to do so, not only it helps other devs, but when I get back on my own code I save a lot of time!
I often use Linux to work, even if I am locked on a Windows computer, since Win10, there is the Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL) that allows you to run a Bash terminal under Windows 10. I personally like to work with Arch WSL as Archlinux has some of the most up-to-date repositories, allowing me to always work with the latest versions of my software.
As I often use the WSL and powershell, I installed Terminus on my computers, it is a tool allowing you to emulate a terminal with the specifications and customisation you want to have, it is a pretty and simple to use tool and it changes your life. If you are more on the light size and want something also well customizable, you shall try alacritty.
- WinMerge A very useful tool allowing comparing two files and to merge those files.
- SublimeMerge A cool tool developed by the same team as SublimeText which allows you to manage your git repositories very easily and with a nice UI.
- MobaXterm An FTP tool supporting SFTP(FTP under SSH), pretty cool as it supports X11 forwarding (will also allow you to run graphical software with WSL), it also has an SSH client, a WSL terminal, ...
- PuTTy A very complete SSH client for windows, it also supports Serial communication, Telnet, rlogin and TCP.
- gnuplot A cool tool, it can read every text file containing column of data and plot it into a very clean graph, it needs a bit of work to learn how to use it but here is a cool tutorial.