i. Go Basics
iii. Misc Notes
is the only loop available
// standard for loop
for i := 1; i < 10; i++ {}
// while loop
for ; i < 10; {}
// can omit semicolons if there's only a condition
for i < 10 {}
// while (true) ~ can omit the condition
for {}
a variable
represents the memory address of some value
a pointer
is a value that represents the address of another variable
// `a` stores the value `13`
// `a` is a memory address, and `13` is the value held at that address
// `a` represents the value `13` ~ `&a` represents the address of `13`
a := 13
// `b` stores the reference address of `a` ~ some wild hex looking number
// if `a` represents a value, `&a` represents the address of that value
b := &a
// manipulate the value stored at `a` by dereferencing `b`
// `a` is now equal to 14
// however, manipulating `c` will not manipulate the value stored at `a`
// `a` remains equal to 13 ~ `c` is now equal to 14
c := *b
GOPATH via Powershell
cd $Env:gopath
- using a single symbol for multiple different types
returns a memory address
returns the value at the address ?