This repository is based off a project I worked on as part of the COMS 4115: Programming Languages & Translators course taught by Professor Stephen A. Edwards at Columbia University. The aim of the project was to design and implement a functional, object-oriented language which compiled to the LLVM Intermediate Representation (LLVM IR). In implementing the compiler my team and I utilized a variety of tools including Ocamllex, Ocamlyacc, the LLVM Ocaml API, and the Jane Street Core Ocaml Libraries.
James Maxwell Stenger, jms2431, [email protected]
Jillian Knoll, jak2246, [email protected]
Jonathan Elias Barios, jeb2239, [email protected]
Lusa Zhan, lz2371, [email protected]
Professor Stephen A. Edwards, MicroC Compiler, available on the Spring 2016 Course Website
David Watkins et al., DICE: Distributed Systems Language, available on the Fall 2015 Course Website
Jeff Lee, C Language Yacc Grammar, available here
Ocamllex & Ocamlyacc:
Jane Street Core Libraries:
Ocaml Language References:
The first step is to get Ocaml & OPAM installed. OPAM is a package manager for OCaml which we need in order to install external libraries like Core and the LLVM Ocaml bindings. Detailed instructions are available in the Real World Ocaml Wiki
When I installed the project, the process was:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install curl build-essential m4 ocaml opam
opam init
opam switch
eval `opam config env`
opam install core utop
(Note that you may need to add the "opam config env" line to your ~/.bashrc)
Having installed OCaml & OPAM, you now need to add dependencies specific to the project:
Install llvm using apt-get. During installation take note of which version of llvm is being installed and then install the appropriate bindings in OPAM. When I installed the project, apt-get installed llvm 3.8, so I installed the llvm 3.8 bindings in OPAM:
sudo apt-get install llvm
opam install llvm.3.8