Cypher Engine is a fully tested Cypher query engine which generates queries in a functional, easy to read, and simple way. It is designed for NodeJS and written in TypeScript.
This documentation does not explain how Cypher works nor does it try to be a tutorial for Cypher. When using this library it is recommended that you have a good understanding of the Cypher language. Please see the Cyper Documentation for more information.
npm i cypher-engine
Creating a node in Cypher is the fundamental way to build data in the graph.
const engine = new CypherEngine();
const create = engine
.node(['Person'], 'jeff', new Property('name', `'Jeff'`))
// CREATE (jeff:Person {name: 'Jeff'})
const engine = new CypherEngine();
const result = engine
.node(['User'], 'u')
.node([], 'company')
// MATCH (u:User)--(company) RETURN *
const engine = new CypherEngine();
const result = engine
.node(['User'], 'n0', new Property('email', `'[email protected]'`))
.relates(RelationshipDirection.left, ['works_for'], undefined, undefined, new Property('years', 5))
.node(['Company'], 'n1', new Property('name', `'test'`))
.delete('n0', 'n1')
/* MATCH (n0:User{email:'[email protected]'})<-[:works_for{years:5}]-(n1:Company{name:'test'}
DELETE n0,n1
const engine = new CypherEngine();
const result = engine
.node(['Person'], 'n0', new Property('identifier', '$identifier'))
.set(new SetProperty('n0', new Property('name', '$name')), new SetProperty('n0', new Property('birthday', '$birthday'))).cypher;
/*`MATCH (n0:Person{identifier:$identifier})
SET = $name, n0.birthday = $birthday`);
const engine = new CypherEngine();
const result = engine
.node(['Person'], 'n0', new Property('name', `'Keanu Reeves'`))
.set(new SetProperty('n0', new Property('created', 123)))
.variable('n0', 'modified')
/* MERGE (n0:Person{name:'Keanu Reeves'})
ON CREATE SET n0.created = 123
n0.modified = 123 RETURN *
For more complex queries, additonal operators etc... please see the extensive tests in test/CypherEngine.spec.ts