If you are running in Gnome Boxes, first run
sudo apt install spice-vdagent
to install the helper libraries then reboot the machine (shutdown -r now
# clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/jdhaines/dotfiles.git $HOME/.dotfiles
# run the install script
# restart
shutdown -r now
# When you log back in, select i3 as the desktop manager
Helpful Commands
Command | Notes |
xrandr --output Virtual-1 --mode 2560x1600 |
Set the resolution on a VM to 2560x1600 |
xset r rate 350 90 |
Fix keyboard repeat rates |
sudo apt install spice-vdagent |
If on boxes vm, use this to get proper resolutions, restart after |
flusdns |
Alias for sudo resolvectl flush-caches wihch will flush the dns cache(s) |
tf |
Alias for terraform |
tg |
Alias for terragrunt |
pn |
Alias for pnpm |
tmf |
Alias for tmuxifier |
Things should set up correctly automatically. You might need to run neovim twice in case of error. While in neovim the command :PackerSync
and/or :PackerCompile
may be helpful.
Command | Notes |
:Slowly install |
Install current plugins list |
:Slowly update |
Upgrade currently installed plugins |
:Slowly reinstall |
Reinstall current plugin list |
:Slowly restore |
Restore saved plugin list |
:Slowly save |
Save current plugins to restorable file |
:LspInstall |
Install a new lsp server |
:LspInfo |
Current file and LSP information |
:Mason |
Open mason to install plugins |
:TSUpdate |
Update Tree-Sitter/Highlighting Plugins |
:TSInstall lang |
Install new tree-sitter module |
:TSInstallInfo |
Check other modules to be installed |
:Copilot setup |
Configure GitHub Copilot and Login |
Key | Function |
Space+w |
Activate hop, type next two characters to hop |
Space+e |
Toggle nvim-tree |
Space+f |
Open Telescope (find) |
Space+/ |
Open Telescope (fuzzy find) |
Space+g |
Open Telescope (git) |
Space+Space |
Telescope fuzzy find |
Ctrl+n/p |
Telescope select item |
Space+c |
Open LSP menu |
Shift+h |
Back to last buffer |
gd |
Go to item definition |
Ctrl+P |
List completions |
Shift+k |
List Help/Hints on underlying item |
Space+uh |
Toggle greyed-out type hints |
Tab/Shift + Tab |
Move through completions, Enter to Select |
zM/zR |
Fold/Unfold All |
zm/zr |
Fold/Unfold One |
zo/zc |
Open and Close a Fold |
ctrl+w hjkl |
Switch to another nvim buffer |
ctrl+w <> |
Expand or Contract when buffers are side-by-side. Can add number before <>. |
ctrl+w J |
Change to horizontal split |
ctrl+w H |
Change to vertical split |
gcc |
Toggle Comment on Selection |
Key | Function |
K |
Hover (show documentation) |
Space+F |
Format document and save |
gd |
Go to Definition |
gr |
Go to References |
gi |
Go to Implementation |
gy |
Go to Type Definition |
ctrl+T |
Go back to previous location after using an LSP command |
Key | Function |
Shift+hm |
Open Harpoon Menu |
Shift+ha |
Add File to Harpoon |
Shift+hr |
Remove File from Harpoon |
Shift+hh |
Next Harpoon File |
Shift+hj |
Previous Harpoon File |
- Win key should open rofi launcher
Key | Function |
Ctrl + b |
Prefix |
`Prefix + I | Install new Plugins after adding to tmux.conf |
`Prefix + u | Update Plugins |
`Prefix + alt + u | Remove Plugins installed but missing from plugin list in tmux.conf |
Prefix + h |
Switch Pane Left |
`Prefix + j | Switch Pane Down |
Prefix + k |
Switch Pane Up |
Prefix + l |
Switch Pane Right |
Prefix + " |
New Pane Below |
Prefix + % |
New Pane Right |
Key | Function |
Win-h/j/k/l |
select windows |
Win-Shift-h/j/k/l |
move windows |
Win-e |
toggle layout |
Win-c |
close application |
Win-enter |
open terminal (alacritty) |
Win-Shift-c |
reload the i3 config |
Win-Shift-r |
refresh the i3 config |
Win-Shift-s |
reset the monitor config to laptop only (single monitor) |
Win-Shift-d |
reset the monitor config to dual monitor (dual monitor) |
Key | Function |
? |
hotkey map |
lg |
alias for lazygit |
jk |
move within a block |
hl |
move between blocks |
p |
pull |
P |
push |
space |
In Files, stage file |
a |
In Files, stage all files |
c |
commit |
Lid Switch: Look in /etc/systemd/logind.conf
and change the value of the 3 lid values (after uncommenting the line) to ignore
so that closing the laptop lid doesn't blow up your i3 config.