- ✨ feat(popup): lockscroll 增加可选值 strict, 用于支持 iOS12 (#2629)
- 🐛 fix(dialog): revert defaultprops
- 🐛 fix(range): usememo (#2638)
- 🐛 fix(backtop & menu): lint, code simplification, deprecated pageYOffset removed (#2633)
- 🐛 fix: taro async warning in taro-h5 env (#2636)
- 🐛 fix(range): refactor & lint fixed (#2637)
- 🐛 fix(radio): lint fixed (#2635)
- 🐛 fix(navbar): safearea displays abnormal when safeAreaInsetTop has been set true (#2632)
- 🐛 fix: usecallback to fix render too many times, button,animatingnumbers,avatar,audio; and fix avatargroup when length > maxsize (#2628)
- 🏡 chore(demo): display bound dispatchSetState in demo8 of table demos (#2626)
- 📖 docs: swiper 可通过 css 的 touch-action 设置用户操作行为 (#2630)
- 📖 docs: 文档构建出现未闭合标签的错误提示