Project is based from the serenity-cucumber-steps project
By default, the tests will run using Chrome. You can run them in Firefox by overriding the driver
system property, e.g.
$ mvn clean verify -Ddriver=firefox -Dcucumber.filter.tags=@test
The test results will be recorded in the target/site/serenity
Since the Serenity reports contain aggregate information about all of the tests, they are not generated after each individual test (as this would be extremenly inefficient). Rather, The Full Serenity reports are generated by the serenity-maven-plugin
. You can trigger this by running mvn serenity:aggregate
from the command line or from your IDE.
They reports are also integrated into the Maven build process: the following code in the pom.xml
file causes the reports to be generated automatically once all the tests have completed when you run mvn verify