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A comprehensive Spark job is needed to find data inconsistencies between the Cassandra base table and the MV table and optionally fix them.

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Apache Cassandra MV Repair Spark Job

In 2017, Apache Cassandra designated Materialized Views (MV) an experimental feature due to concerns about data inconsistencies between base tables and their corresponding views. This job neither alters that status nor promotes the use of MV. However, this job offers a method to resolve inconsistencies within MV tables for users who already have MVs in production. One thing to note is that Apache Cassandra does not officially support this Spark job, so please take it with a grain of salt.


$ mvn package

This will generate a fat jar in the target directory, the jar: "./target/cassandra-mv-repair-spark-job-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"


Configuration Type Default Description
keyspace String null Cassandra Keyspace name.
basetablename String null Cassandra Base table name.
mvname String null Cassandra Materialized View (MV) name. String localhost Cassandra cluster host to connect to.
cassandra.port String 9042 Cassandra cluster port to connect to.
cassandra.username String null Cassandra username.
cassandra.password String null Cassandra password.
cassandra.datacenter String datacenter1 Cassandra datacenter.
starttsinsec Long -1 Cassandra records’ write timestamp value greater than this config should be considered in the Spark job. This applies to both the Base table and MV table. If there are columns with different timestamps in a record, then the smallest timestamp needs to be greater than this.
endtsinsec Long -1 Cassandra records’ write timestamp value less than this config should be considered in the Spark job. This applies to both the Base table and MV table. If there are columns with different timestamps in a record, then the largest timestamp needs to be less than this.
readconsistency String LOCAL_QUORUM Spark job will use this consistency level while scanning the records.
mvwriteconsistency String LOCAL_QUORUM Spark job will use this consistency level to fix inconsistent MV record(s).
fixmissingmv Boolean false Should the job automatically insert the missing record in MV? By default, it does not repair them; it just lists the inconsistencies.
fixorphanmv Boolean false Should the job automatically delete the unexpected record in MV? By default, it does not repair them; it just lists the inconsistencies.
fixinconsistentmv Boolean false Should the job automatically fix the inconsistent record in MV? By default, it does not repair them; it just lists the inconsistencies.
scan.ratelimiter Integer 10 Throttler while scanning Cassandra's records. By default, one Spark worker would scan 10 records per second. If you have N Spark workers, then the total read throughput would be = N * 10, so you need to size it accordingly.
mutation.ratelimiter Integer 5 Throttler while fixing the inconsistent MV records. By default, one Spark worker would mutate 5 records per second. If you have N Spark workers, then the total mutation throughput would be = N * 5, so you need to size it accordingly.
mutation.uselatestts Boolean false By default, Spark workers use the base table timestamp for the MV mutation. For some reason (mostly for testing purposes), if you want to use the latest timestamp for MV mutations, then set this to true.
output.dir String /tmp/cassandra-mv-repair-spark-job/ The job outputs the MV inconsistencies to an output folder.

Design Doc



Example 1: Record is consistent

Status in Cassandra

cassandra@cqlsh> select * from test_keyspace.test_table; SELECT * FROM test_keyspace.test_mv ;

 id                                   | ascii_col     | bigint_col | blob_col     | boolean_col | date_col   | decimal_col | double_col | float_col | inet_col    | int_col | list_col             | map_col                | set_col              | smallint_col | text_col     | time_col           | timestamp_col                   | timeuuid_col                         | tinyint_col | uuid_col                             | varchar_col     | varint_col
 4f06ef60-9333-4473-bfe0-be22ef67a6a3 | example_ascii | 1234567890 | 0x48656c6c6f |        True | 2022-12-01 |      123.45 |    123.456 |   123.456 | |     123 | ['value1', 'value2'] | {'key1': 1, 'key2': 2} | {'value1', 'value2'} |        12345 | example_text | 12:34:56.000000000 | 2024-02-28 12:34:56.000000+0000 | e1f84bd0-b292-11ef-ac23-7b8dec181fef |           1 | 84732e32-243e-48fb-b56a-00ef2d860cec | example_varchar |      12345

(1 rows)

 int_col | id                                   | ascii_col     | bigint_col | blob_col     | boolean_col | date_col   | decimal_col | double_col | float_col | inet_col    | list_col             | map_col                | set_col              | smallint_col | text_col     | time_col           | timestamp_col                   | timeuuid_col                         | tinyint_col | uuid_col                             | varchar_col     | varint_col
     123 | 4f06ef60-9333-4473-bfe0-be22ef67a6a3 | example_ascii | 1234567890 | 0x48656c6c6f |        True | 2022-12-01 |      123.45 |    123.456 |   123.456 | | ['value1', 'value2'] | {'key1': 1, 'key2': 2} | {'value1', 'value2'} |        12345 | example_text | 12:34:56.000000000 | 2024-02-28 12:34:56.000000+0000 | e1f84bd0-b292-11ef-ac23-7b8dec181fef |           1 | 84732e32-243e-48fb-b56a-00ef2d860cec | example_varchar |      12345

(1 rows)

Now Run the job

$> java -Dspark.master=local[*] -jar ./target/cassandra-mv-repair-spark-job-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

$> cat /tmp/cassandra-mv-repair-spark-job/stats.txt
totRecords: 1, skippedRecords: 0, consistentRecords: 1, inConsistentRecords: 0, missingBaseTableRecords: 0, missingMvRecords: 0, repairRecords: 0, notRepairRecords: 0, delAttemptedRecords: 0, delErrRecords: 0, delSuccessRecords: 0, notDelRecords: 0, upsertAttemptedRecords: 0, upsertErrRecords: 0, upsertSuccessRecords: 0

Example 2: Record is inconsistent

Status in Cassandra

cassandra@cqlsh> select double_col from test_keyspace.test_table; select double_col from test_keyspace.test_mv ;


(1 rows)


(1 rows)

Now Run the job

$> java -Dspark.master=local[*] -jar ./target/cassandra-mv-repair-spark-job-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

$> cat /tmp/cassandra-mv-repair-spark-job/stats.txt
totRecords: 1, skippedRecords: 0, consistentRecords: 0, inConsistentRecords: 1, missingBaseTableRecords: 0, missingMvRecords: 0, repairRecords: 0, notRepairRecords: 1, delAttemptedRecords: 0, delErrRecords: 0, delSuccessRecords: 0, notDelRecords: 0, upsertAttemptedRecords: 0, upsertErrRecords: 0, upsertSuccessRecords: 0

$> cat /tmp/cassandra-mv-repair-spark-job/INCONSISTENT/12.txt 
RowKey: id:UUID:4f06ef60-9333-4473-bfe0-be22ef67a6a3,int_col:INT:123
MainTableEntry: CassandraRow{id: 4f06ef60-9333-4473-bfe0-be22ef67a6a3, ascii_col: example_ascii, writetime(ascii_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(ascii_col): null, bigint_col: 1234567890, writetime(bigint_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(bigint_col): null, blob_col: 0x48656c6c6f, writetime(blob_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(blob_col): null, boolean_col: true, writetime(boolean_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(boolean_col): null, date_col: 2022-12-01, writetime(date_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(date_col): null, decimal_col: 123.45, writetime(decimal_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(decimal_col): null, double_col: 123.456, writetime(double_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(double_col): null, float_col: 123.456, writetime(float_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(float_col): null, inet_col:, writetime(inet_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(inet_col): null, int_col: 123, writetime(int_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(int_col): null, list_col: [value1,value2], map_col: {key1: 1,key2: 2}, set_col: {value1,value2}, smallint_col: 12345, writetime(smallint_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(smallint_col): null, text_col: example_text, writetime(text_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(text_col): null, time_col: 12:34:56, writetime(time_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(time_col): null, timestamp_col: 2024-02-28T12:34:56Z, writetime(timestamp_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(timestamp_col): null, timeuuid_col: e1f84bd0-b292-11ef-ac23-7b8dec181fef, writetime(timeuuid_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(timeuuid_col): null, tinyint_col: 1, writetime(tinyint_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(tinyint_col): null, uuid_col: 84732e32-243e-48fb-b56a-00ef2d860cec, writetime(uuid_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(uuid_col): null, varchar_col: example_varchar, writetime(varchar_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(varchar_col): null, varint_col: 12345, writetime(varint_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(varint_col): null}
MVTableEntry: CassandraRow{id: 4f06ef60-9333-4473-bfe0-be22ef67a6a3, int_col: 123, ascii_col: example_ascii, writetime(ascii_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(ascii_col): null, bigint_col: 1234567890, writetime(bigint_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(bigint_col): null, blob_col: 0x48656c6c6f, writetime(blob_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(blob_col): null, boolean_col: true, writetime(boolean_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(boolean_col): null, date_col: 2022-12-01, writetime(date_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(date_col): null, decimal_col: 123.45, writetime(decimal_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(decimal_col): null, double_col: 111.0, writetime(double_col): 1733355182588375, ttl(double_col): null, float_col: 123.456, writetime(float_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(float_col): null, inet_col:, writetime(inet_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(inet_col): null, list_col: [value1,value2], map_col: {key1: 1,key2: 2}, set_col: {value1,value2}, smallint_col: 12345, writetime(smallint_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(smallint_col): null, text_col: example_text, writetime(text_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(text_col): null, time_col: 12:34:56, writetime(time_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(time_col): null, timestamp_col: 2024-02-28T12:34:56Z, writetime(timestamp_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(timestamp_col): null, timeuuid_col: e1f84bd0-b292-11ef-ac23-7b8dec181fef, writetime(timeuuid_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(timeuuid_col): null, tinyint_col: 1, writetime(tinyint_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(tinyint_col): null, uuid_col: 84732e32-243e-48fb-b56a-00ef2d860cec, writetime(uuid_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(uuid_col): null, varchar_col: example_varchar, writetime(varchar_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(varchar_col): null, varint_col: 12345, writetime(varint_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(varint_col): null}
BaseColumn: double_col:DOUBLE:123.456
MvColumn: double_col:DOUBLE:111.0

Example 3: Record is missing in MV

Status in Cassandra

cassandra@cqlsh> select * from test_keyspace.test_table; SELECT * FROM test_keyspace.test_mv;

 id                                   | ascii_col     | bigint_col | blob_col     | boolean_col | date_col   | decimal_col | double_col | float_col | inet_col    | int_col | list_col             | map_col                | set_col              | smallint_col | text_col     | time_col           | timestamp_col                   | timeuuid_col                         | tinyint_col | uuid_col                             | varchar_col     | varint_col
 4f06ef60-9333-4473-bfe0-be22ef67a6a3 | example_ascii | 1234567890 | 0x48656c6c6f |        True | 2022-12-01 |      123.45 |    123.456 |   123.456 | |     123 | ['value1', 'value2'] | {'key1': 1, 'key2': 2} | {'value1', 'value2'} |        12345 | example_text | 12:34:56.000000000 | 2024-02-28 12:34:56.000000+0000 | e1f84bd0-b292-11ef-ac23-7b8dec181fef |           1 | 84732e32-243e-48fb-b56a-00ef2d860cec | example_varchar |      12345

(1 rows)

 int_col | id | ascii_col | bigint_col | blob_col | boolean_col | date_col | decimal_col | double_col | float_col | inet_col | list_col | map_col | set_col | smallint_col | text_col | time_col | timestamp_col | timeuuid_col | tinyint_col | uuid_col | varchar_col | varint_col

(0 rows)

Now Run the job

$> java -Dspark.master=local[*] -jar ./target/cassandra-mv-repair-spark-job-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

$> cat /tmp/cassandra-mv-repair-spark-job/stats.txt
totRecords: 1, skippedRecords: 0, consistentRecords: 0, inConsistentRecords: 0, missingBaseTableRecords: 0, missingMvRecords: 1, repairRecords: 0, notRepairRecords: 1, delAttemptedRecords: 0, delErrRecords: 0, delSuccessRecords: 0, notDelRecords: 0, upsertAttemptedRecords: 0, upsertErrRecords: 0, upsertSuccessRecords: 0

$> cat /tmp/cassandra-mv-repair-spark-job/MISSING_IN_MV_TABLE/12.txt 
RowKey: id:UUID:4f06ef60-9333-4473-bfe0-be22ef67a6a3,int_col:INT:123
MainTableEntry: CassandraRow{id: 4f06ef60-9333-4473-bfe0-be22ef67a6a3, ascii_col: example_ascii, writetime(ascii_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(ascii_col): null, bigint_col: 1234567890, writetime(bigint_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(bigint_col): null, blob_col: 0x48656c6c6f, writetime(blob_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(blob_col): null, boolean_col: true, writetime(boolean_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(boolean_col): null, date_col: 2022-12-01, writetime(date_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(date_col): null, decimal_col: 123.45, writetime(decimal_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(decimal_col): null, double_col: 123.456, writetime(double_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(double_col): null, float_col: 123.456, writetime(float_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(float_col): null, inet_col:, writetime(inet_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(inet_col): null, int_col: 123, writetime(int_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(int_col): null, list_col: [value1,value2], map_col: {key1: 1,key2: 2}, set_col: {value1,value2}, smallint_col: 12345, writetime(smallint_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(smallint_col): null, text_col: example_text, writetime(text_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(text_col): null, time_col: 12:34:56, writetime(time_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(time_col): null, timestamp_col: 2024-02-28T12:34:56Z, writetime(timestamp_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(timestamp_col): null, timeuuid_col: e1f84bd0-b292-11ef-ac23-7b8dec181fef, writetime(timeuuid_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(timeuuid_col): null, tinyint_col: 1, writetime(tinyint_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(tinyint_col): null, uuid_col: 84732e32-243e-48fb-b56a-00ef2d860cec, writetime(uuid_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(uuid_col): null, varchar_col: example_varchar, writetime(varchar_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(varchar_col): null, varint_col: 12345, writetime(varint_col): 1733352939772229, ttl(varint_col): null}
MVTableEntry: null

Example 4: Record is missing in the base table

Status in Cassandra

cassandra@cqlsh> select * from test_keyspace.test_table; SELECT * FROM test_keyspace.test_mv;

 id | ascii_col | bigint_col | blob_col | boolean_col | date_col | decimal_col | double_col | float_col | inet_col | int_col | list_col | map_col | set_col | smallint_col | text_col | time_col | timestamp_col | timeuuid_col | tinyint_col | uuid_col | varchar_col | varint_col

(0 rows)

 int_col | id                                   | ascii_col     | bigint_col | blob_col     | boolean_col | date_col   | decimal_col | double_col | float_col | inet_col    | list_col             | map_col                | set_col              | smallint_col | text_col     | time_col           | timestamp_col                   | timeuuid_col                         | tinyint_col | uuid_col                             | varchar_col     | varint_col
     123 | a69b6b66-7bbf-44dc-8eef-eb0884369740 | example_ascii | 1234567890 | 0x48656c6c6f |        True | 2022-12-01 |      123.45 |    123.456 |   123.456 | | ['value1', 'value2'] | {'key1': 1, 'key2': 2} | {'value1', 'value2'} |        12345 | example_text | 12:34:56.000000000 | 2024-02-28 12:34:56.000000+0000 | 291afe30-b299-11ef-b544-6b207d5b3d1b |           1 | 42c6ded9-ed9a-479c-abca-cee1d3a646cc | example_varchar |      12345

(1 rows)

Now Run the job

$> java -Dspark.master=local[*] -jar ./target/cassandra-mv-repair-spark-job-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

$> cat /tmp/cassandra-mv-repair-spark-job/stats.txt
totRecords: 1, skippedRecords: 0, consistentRecords: 0, inConsistentRecords: 0, missingBaseTableRecords: 1, missingMvRecords: 0, repairRecords: 0, notRepairRecords: 1, delAttemptedRecords: 0, delErrRecords: 0, delSuccessRecords: 0, notDelRecords: 0, upsertAttemptedRecords: 0, upsertErrRecords: 0, upsertSuccessRecords: 0

$> cat /tmp/cassandra-mv-repair-spark-job/MISSING_IN_BASE_TABLE/12.txt 
RowKey: id:UUID:a69b6b66-7bbf-44dc-8eef-eb0884369740,int_col:INT:123
MainTableEntry: null
MVTableEntry: CassandraRow{id: a69b6b66-7bbf-44dc-8eef-eb0884369740, int_col: 123, ascii_col: example_ascii, writetime(ascii_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(ascii_col): null, bigint_col: 1234567890, writetime(bigint_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(bigint_col): null, blob_col: 0x48656c6c6f, writetime(blob_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(blob_col): null, boolean_col: true, writetime(boolean_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(boolean_col): null, date_col: 2022-12-01, writetime(date_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(date_col): null, decimal_col: 123.45, writetime(decimal_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(decimal_col): null, double_col: 123.456, writetime(double_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(double_col): null, float_col: 123.456, writetime(float_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(float_col): null, inet_col:, writetime(inet_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(inet_col): null, list_col: [value1,value2], map_col: {key1: 1,key2: 2}, set_col: {value1,value2}, smallint_col: 12345, writetime(smallint_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(smallint_col): null, text_col: example_text, writetime(text_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(text_col): null, time_col: 12:34:56, writetime(time_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(time_col): null, timestamp_col: 2024-02-28T12:34:56Z, writetime(timestamp_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(timestamp_col): null, timeuuid_col: 291afe30-b299-11ef-b544-6b207d5b3d1b, writetime(timeuuid_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(timeuuid_col): null, tinyint_col: 1, writetime(tinyint_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(tinyint_col): null, uuid_col: 42c6ded9-ed9a-479c-abca-cee1d3a646cc, writetime(uuid_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(uuid_col): null, varchar_col: example_varchar, writetime(varchar_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(varchar_col): null, varint_col: 12345, writetime(varint_col): 1733355636102616, ttl(varint_col): null}


A comprehensive Spark job is needed to find data inconsistencies between the Cassandra base table and the MV table and optionally fix them.






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