Swiss style tournament api built with FastAPI. If there are an odd number of competitors then one match per round will have a bye. Tie-breaker involves a new tournament for those players to compete again.
- clone repo
- create virtual environment with python 3.9+
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install postgresql and create a database. User must have CREATE/UPDATE permissions
- create a .env file see FastApi docs for help
- SECRET_KEY=secret_key
- ALGORITHM=algorithm
- TOKEN_URL=token
- CORS_ORIGINS=localhost, localhost:8080
- POSTGRES_DB=database
- Alembic
One way to do this quickly is to delete the migrations files in the alembic/verions/ and then run:
- alembic revision -m "create account table"
- alembic upgrade head
Run pytest
from root directory
Run uvicorn app.main:app --reload
from root directory
visit {host}/docs to see endpoints
- FastAPI
- postgresql
- sqlalchemy
- Alembic
- pytest