- San Francisco Bay Area, CA
- http://www.jaredbranum.com
Donation Tracker for SDA Marathons
jaredbranum / doorkeeper
Forked from doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeperDoorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Rails.
Show a stream of your online activity with jQuery
Doorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Ruby on Rails / Grape.
a jquery plugin to add animated glow effects to block-level elements
Boilerplate code for a Rails OAuth provider for sharing a single-sign-on across multiple Rails apps using devise and omniauth
A set of scripts (server, irssi client, desktop client) that work together to send and receive desktop notifications from irssi.
Show a stream of your online activity with jQuery
a simple URL shortener using Sinatra and MongoDB
A terminal-based twitter application. Just a timeline stream for now, possibly a full client in the future.
A Google Voice desktop client designed for easy SMS over IP
A notification script for Irssi. When away, sends an email on channel highlights/PMs. Supports responding.