Additions scripts/tools for Edugate Jagger:
Install the required packages:
sudo apt-get install gearman-job-server php5-dev php-pear memcached libboost-all-dev gperf libevent-dev uuid-dev libcloog-ppl-dev python-setuptools openjdk-7-jdk
Install the latest release of gearman service:
cd /opt ; wget
tar -xzvf gearmand-1.1.13.tar.gz ; rm -f gearmand-1.1.13.tar.gz
cd gearmand-1.1.13 ; ./configure ; make ; make install
Install the gearman PHP and Python libraries:
easy_install gearman ; pecl install gearman
echo "" > /etc/php5/cli/php.ini ; service apache2 restart
Modify the
variable in the/etc/init.d/gearman-job-server
file fromprefix=/usr
Check that all works well (version should be 1.1.13):
service gearman-job-server restart ; gearmand -V
Verify that in the file
there isPARAMS="--listen="
Retrieve the rr3-addons and put them in the right location:
cd /opt ; git clone
cd /etc/init.d/ ; ln -s /opt/rr3-addons/gearman-workers/gearman-workers
chmod u+x /opt/rr3-addons/gearman-workers/gearman-workers
Prepare the location where will be placed the metadata signer certificate and key:
mkdir /opt/md-signer ; chown root:root /opt/md-signer ; chmod 644 /opt/md-signer
Put your metadata-signer.crt and metadata-signer.key into the /opt/md-signer folder:
Example command to create self-signed credentials (valid for 3 years):
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 1095 -newkey rsa:2048 -out /opt/md-signer/metadata-signer.crt -keyout /opt/md-signer/metadata-signer.key -subj "/CN=##FULL.QUALIFIED.DOMAIN.VM-NAME##"
chmod 400 /opt/md-signer/metadata-signer.key ; chmod 644 /opt/md-signer/metadata-signer.crt
Retrieve the XMLSecTool utility to be used to sign metadatas:
cd /opt ; wget
unzip ; rm -f
- Modify the
variables by following this example:
vim /opt/rr3-addons/gearman-workers/gearman-workers
DAEMON="/usr/bin/python" ARGS="/opt/rr3-addons/gearman-workers/" PIDFILE="/var/run/gworker/" USER="root"
Modify the
variables by following this example:os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64/jre" /* Yours JAVA_HOME directory */ xmlsecommand = "/opt/xmlsectool-1.2.0/" /* Yours XMLSECTOOL path*/ cert="/opt/md-signer/metadata-signer.crt" /* Certificate for signing */ certkey="/opt/md-signer/metadata-signer.key" /* Key for signing */ cerpass="#CERTPASS#" /* Password of the Key or leave empty */ destination="#JAGGER_PATH#/signedmetadata" /* Path of your Jagger "signedmetadata" folder */ allowedtypes = ['federation','provider','federationexport']
Enable the "Sign" button on your Jagger GUI:
mkdir /var/run/gworker ; mkdir /opt/rr3/signedmetadata
- Add to
* Enable SHA-256 Signature as default
$config['signdigest'] = 'SHA-256';
$config['mq'] = 'gearman';
* gearman - Remove the comment to these lines to enable the "Sign" button on Jagger
$config['gearman'] = TRUE;
$config['gearmanconf']['jobserver'] = array(array('ip'=>'','port'=>'4730'));
Remember to start the services in this order: A) service gearman-job-server start B) service gearman-workers start
Now the Sign button for your federation is enabled and you can sign your metadata.
Configure your machine to be able to send mails. (By using PostFix for example)
Retrieve the jaggermailer script and put it into the
directory:cp /opt/rr3-addons/jaggermailer /etc/init.d/jaggermailer
Add the permission to run to the script:
chmod +x /etc/init.d/jaggermailer
Modify the
script by replacing the word "JAGGER_PATH
" with the path of your jagger directory -
Change the owner and the group of the directory "Proxies" (www-data ==> Apache2):
chown www-data:www-data /opt/rr3/application/model/Proxies
Start the service:
service jaggermailer start